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Typhoid Fever1


Typhoid Fever Symptoms2




New Vaccine (Marzo2002)3




Typhoid Fever

Typhoid fever is an acute infectious disease caused by bacteria of the genus Salmonella. In most cases, the infection is caused by contaminated food and drinking. Highlights include: milk, cheese, ice cream and other dairy products, seafood grown in locations close to disposal sites waste water, vegetables irrigated with sewage, eggs, some meat and water. The direct contagion between the patient and the people around them is possible, but rare. Flies can also act as transmitters. It is a potentially fatal infectious disease of acute onset, is characterized by a prolonged febrile illness with involvement of the general state variable, produced by Salmonella typhi, the typhoid bacillus, which reaches the digestive tract and then affects the entire body. Currently there are 107 different variants of the bacteria. Man is the only carrier of bacteria and in whom clinical manifestations occur, affecting virtually every organ in the body.


Typhoid fever enters the body through the mouth, is transmitted by contaminated food and water, directly from person to the person through the urine and fecal waste from patient 2 and carriers, even those who have no symptoms. Untreated contaminated water that is dumped in water courses that will later be used for irrigation of vegetables is repeated continuously and is the most common source of typhoid especially in underdeveloped countries. It has been shown that shellfish from contaminated waters by drainage, contaminated milk or milk products are also a source of infection.

Typhoid Fever Symptoms

It begins with malaise, weakness, loss of appetite, headache and constipation. They keep for about five days until the febrile period begins with forty degrees Celsius. It impairs the patient's level of consciousness, shock and a condition known as red lesions appear on the skin that may remain for 14 days. The evolution toward healing may be complicated by cardiac lesions or severe gastrointestinal bleeding that can reach the intestinal perforation, significant neurological or more chronic infection, resulting in the carrier state. The symptoms of typhoid fever may include increasing (39 º -40 º C), severe headache, nausea, general discomfort, and loss of appetite, myalgia, constipation, diarrhea, hepatosplenomegaly and a dry cough. The heart beats are slow. Some people develop pink spots on the trunk. Constipation or diarrhea may occur. Severe forms have been linked to brain dysfunction and meningitis, delirium, shock and intestinal bleeding or perforation. Some people have no symptoms. The development of signs and symptoms in this disease is manifested:

Continuous fever throughout the day

Enlargement of the spleen

Hacking cough

Abdominal pain


After 7 to 10 days of incubation, the clinical manifestations are presented. During this period may appear nausea, vomiting and diarrhea fleeting, time for the arrival of microorganisms to the gut and subsequent proliferation. It usually occurs in insidiously with fever, loss of appetite and weight, head and muscle aches and malaise. Fever, has the characteristic of being "creeping" rise about 1 degree Celsius per day and can reach 40 degrees. Abdominal pain is usually diffuse and in some cases ...
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