Types Of Terrorism

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Types of Terrorism

Types of Terrorism

1. What are some of the recommendations for DHS that you consider to be most important? Please elaborate and give examples.

DHS has not provided a comprehensive strategy for addressing small vessel threats. Neither its Small Vessel Security Strategy nor its draft Implementation Plan effectively addresses all the desirable characteristics and elements of a national strategy. In addition, the department has not evaluated the effectiveness of critical programs that are expected to se as a foundation for small vessel security and may not be providing anticipated results.

The Small Vessel Security Strategy and draft Implementation Plan partially address the remaining four desirable characteristics of an effective strategy.

Goals, objectives, activities, and performance measures -The draft Implementation Plan provides short-term and long-term actions for fulfilling the goals outlined in the Small Vessel Security Strategy; however, it does not address priorities, milestones, performance measures, or progress indicators. Without these elements, it is difficult to effectively monitor progress, establish accountability, and ensure program success.

Resources, investments, and risk management - The Small Vessel Security Strategy only partially addresses this characteristic, as it does not sufficiently address detailed information regarding strategic costs, human capital, resources, or economic principles. Furthermore, the draft Implementation Plan simply categorizes funding levels as high, medium, or low without providing any dollar amounts, stating only whether an action is or is not currently funded. A strategy should address the sources and types of resources and investments needed, consider the actual costs associated with implementing the strategy, and define where resources and investments should be targeted. Without addressing these elements, DHS cannot coordinate implementation efforts effectively and efficiently across its numerous components.

Organizational roles, responsibilities, and coordination - The Small Vessel Security Strategy addresses the roles and responsibilities of specific federal agencies in some detail, but it only partially addresses the roles and responsibilities of state, local, private, and international sector partners. Furthermore, the Strategy partially addresses the lead, support, and partner roles and responsibilities, but does not address any accountability and oversight framework, or how conflicts will be resolved. The draft Implementation Plan identifies lead federal agencies for each proposed action; however, it does not address how the implementing agencies will coordinate their efforts. As directed by Section 801(b) of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (Public Law 107-296), DHS is required to develop a process for receiving meaningful input from states and localities to assist in the development of a national strategy “for combating terrorism and other homeland security activities.” The Small Vessel Security Strategy provides a generic list of functional responsibilities, but it does not provide the mechanisms needed to coordinate and collaborate on these responsibilities.

Integration and implementation - The Strategy addresses how it integrates with other national strategies, but it only partially addresses details on specific federal, state, local, or private strategies and plans. It does not address and provide implementation guidance for state, local, or private strategies and plans. By not providing integration guidance, DHS risks ineffective and inefficient Strategy ...
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