Types & Shadows - Prophetic Pictures Of Wholeness In Christ

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Types & Shadows - Prophetic Pictures of Wholeness in Christ


As part of the culture in Religion and Theology, I will be reviewing “Types and Symbols: Prophetic Pictures of Wholeness in Christ”. After I have studied the book, I will be going through each chapter and doing a one page analysis and summary of each, as I believe this can help me achieve further understanding of it with respect to complete objectivity. This book is for those enthusiasts who have always enjoyed analyzing Old Testament types and the concepts uncovered in the New Testament. The level of investigation explored in the book ranges from Isaac and the analysis on his character as a type for Christ, to the old tabernacle being a type for Christianity's holiness.


Chapter One

The opening chapter is quick to explain why types and shadows make such an interesting topic in the first place, for students and philosophers alike. It tackles the Ryles Reveal and Correct Doctrine, explaining in full each concept that is usually expounded on through the learning of types and shadows. Next, a caution about type study is provided, in which students of the Bible are warned to not take examples or types and shadows explained in the book itself as the final word. The author is clear in their implication of several analogies being present for every type and shadow; however there can only be a single interpretation to these analogies that is close to reality. As is the case. every student starts to obsess over seeing types in every aspect of their routine lives, but the author is sensible in pointing this out anyway.

Next, the definitions of type and shadows are explained. Types in the context of scripture, means time stamps or figures that are examples for us in scripture that can be seen as analogies or further information regarding the content of the scripture. Furthermore, shadows are seen as likenesses or similarities in certain events in scripture to symbolism. Symbols and shadows are said to represent spiritual truth, and is represented in the book succinctly. The chapter then discusses the Type and Antitype Categories, listing the ways in which each are dissimilar to one another, and providing clear and concise relations to the Biblical references required for further reading. The chapter ends with an explanation of Spiritual Truth as expressed through symbols, and Types and Shadows as being directed towards the fullness of salvation.

Chapter Two - Redemption in Covenant

Once the initial concepts needed to understand the rest of the book are out of the way, the author tackles the question of covenant inheritance, and the role it plays in the Bible. The chapter opens with biblical examples of the concept of covenant inheritance, and the authenticity of it with respect to the bond forged between two parties. In Genesis 15, it is clear that God builds a covenant with Abraham, promising that his household will be blessed with the birth of a son, as well as the inheritance he would receive of the land ...
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