The reason of this study is to give an interpretation on the reconsider of Twelfth Night. This is a play about love, put in a festive air in which three twosomes are conveyed simultaneously happily. It undoes with Orsino, the Duke of Illyria, expressing his deep love for the Countess Olivia (Abrams 2001). Meanwhile, the shipwrecked Viola disguises herself as a man and endeavours to go in the Duke's service. Although she has turned down his match, the Duke then uses Viola, who takes the title of Cesario, to woo Olivia for him. Ironically, Cesario falls in love with the Duke, and Olivia falls in love with Cesario, who is actually Viola disguised.
The third proceed undoes in Olivia's flower bed, where Cesario and the Clown are amusing one another with dialogue and music. After getting a tilt from the tourist, the Clown so passionately wants he may shortly have whiskers, that Viola, who longs to call the bearded Duke her own, bestows upon him a second coin (Berry 2000). The sheet is too wary, although, to permit the Clown to knack him into a third donation, commenting, after he has gone away; that a Fool's agency is barely enviable, glimpsing he should so nearly 'observe their feeling upon whom he jests.'
Cesario's soliloquy is cut off by the appearance of Sir Toby and Sir Andrew, who, after swapping greetings with him, report that Olivia awaits him. It is just as Cesario is about to comply these summons, that this woman arrives into the flower bed with her maid, and the grace of the page's address so disconcerts Sir Andrew that he becomes madly jealous. After brushing aside all remainder, Olivia inquiries Cesario, tendering him fall complimentary sayings when he methods himself her servant (Barber 2008). Thereupon the ...