The novel Tuesdays with Morrie feelings brought many interesting and new ideals in the duel of death and dying. This short book shows us many things. One of the most important is how people live and love life. It also teaches us that every day should be lived to the fullest, regardless of the situation. This true story captures the compassion and wisdom of a man who only knew in his heart.
There are many different substantive issues addressed in this book. Mitch Albom covers a lot of material in a few pages short and sweet. I think the main question the book raises is how to live life. He shows his hectic life in panic as he has hurt everywhere except at work, so he devotes all his time to his work until he sees an old college professor and mentor Ted Kaupel, and is rethinking its philosophy adult. Mitch visits his college mentor, who has fallen ill with Lou Gehrig's disease, and becomes a weekly visit and the last class of retired teacher taught before his death. When Mitch visits his teacher was not prepared for what the dying man was about to teach. Mitch unknown to their "trainer" was about him in his first major life lesson. The last fourteen weeks old Morrie Mitch met with him every Tuesday to learn and understand all the wisdom of the life I had in my old professor. The weekly routine consisted of lunch and lecture. Even when my old teacher and could not eat the food they brought Mitch, Mitch continued to bring. Mitch Albom attended many classes taught by Morrie Schwartz during his years at Brandeis University, but about learning the meaning of life until it is in his forties
One of the first lessons taught by Morrie Mitch is feeling sorry for yourself. Morrie asks Mitch, "Do you feel sorry for yourself." (Albom 56) Morrie responds: Sometimes in the mornings, when I mourn. I mourn what I lost. I mourn the slow, insidious way in which I'm dying. But then I stop mourning. Give me a good cry if I need it. But then I concentrate on all the good things of life. I can only pity that. (Albom 57) Mitch was surprised how well my old professor takes his disease. The people at Morrie sit around and feel sorry for themselves. The idea of putting a daily limit on self-pity is a revolutionary idea for Mitch. This lesson shows Mitch that time on earth is precious and to find a ray of light in the darkest days of life.
Morrie teaches us many lessons in the book Tuesdays with Morrie. Also taught many lessons Morrie Mitch as it went from a child into an adult. One of the lessons Morrie teaches us is the friendship is to be appreciated. Morrie tells Mitch, an old friend whom he and his wife spent many hours ...