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Tuberculosis, formerly called consumption is a contagious bacterial infection that mainly involves the lungs but can spread to other organs. Mycobacterium belongs to the Complex Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The most important and representative species, which causes tuberculosis is Mycobacterium tuberculosis or Mycobacterium tuberculosis. TB is possibly infectious disease most prevalent in the world. Other mycobacterium, such as Mycobacterium bovis, Mycobacterium africanum, Mycobacterium Canetti, and Mycobacterium microti also cause tuberculosis, but these species do not usually do in the healthy individual. Although, tuberculosis is predominantly a disease of the lungs, it can also be affecting the central nervous system, the lymphatic system, circulatory, genitourinary, and gastrointestinal, the bones, joints and even the skin (Golden, Vikram, 2005).

Signs and symptoms of tuberculosis frequently are: cough with phlegm for more than 15 days, sometimes with blood in the sputum, fever, night sweats, dizziness, momentary, chills and weight loss. If the infection affects other organs become systemic, there are other symptoms. Generally, people who have close contact with a person diagnosed with tuberculosis are tested to rule out that they are infected. Microbial resistance to antibiotics used for treatment of tuberculosis is becoming a growing problem in TB cases extensively multi-drug resistant. The prevention of tuberculosis lies in tracing and vaccination programs, usually with BCG (Golden, Vikram, 2005).


What the disease tuberculosis actually is and how it affects people and the prevalence of affected people in India

Epidemiology and public health importances

Across Europe, the WHO estimates for 2007 of a total number of tuberculosis cases from 431 518 from. In Austria, in 2009: 700 recorded illnesses. The previous year, 839 cases have been recorded yet. To Switzerland in 2009 on 556 diseases. The slight recovery in the number of cases is seen in the context of international migration. Previously in 2008: listed 478 disorders. In Germany, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in 2009: reported 4444 tuberculosis patients, including about 146 children under 15 years. This information should not correspond to real numbers, as the dark figure is in this severe disease because of their relatively high non-specific symptoms. According to a recent study from Germany, the pathology diagnosis in only one third of the post-mortem diagnosis of tuberculosis had been made during your lifetime. The official statistics were for 2009 154 victims. In Germany the disease is especially in Hamburg, Bremen and Berlin widespread. Currently used in Germany 5.4 illnesses per 100,000 inhabitants. Among the native-born patients, the older cohorts are greater due to their activation and reactivation tendency due to the decreasing immune defense. Among the immigrants outweigh the middle age groups, since more fresh infections cause disease. Disproportionately affected, but the overall picture is of lesser importance are the homeless and drug and alcohol addicts (Schiffman, 2009).


Inhalation of infectious droplets (aerosols) represents the most common and therefore most important transmission: an infection is sufficient here for the inhalation of only a few micro-droplets (2-5 mm diameter), each containing only 1-3 pathogens. Far rarer is the transmission via the blood or organs (transplantation), or other bodily ...
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