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Tuberculosis now days2


Latent tuberculosis5

Symptoms Of Tuberculosis5

Diagnosis of tuberculosis:5

Vaccine Against Tuberculosis7

Treatment of tuberculosis:8

Mode of action of some anti-TB drugs13

Mycobacterium tuberculosis:14

Cell wall composition:15

New researches toward the discovery of new anti-TB drugs:17

Different mechanisms of anti-TB drugs for inhibiting, and killing MTB17

Drug-Resistant TB20

For TB20

Tuberculosis At A Glance21




TB is number one killer among the infectious disease. It has been around since a long time ago where scientists discovered human remnants belong to old era 2400 B.C. definite pathological signs of TB. White death as has been called long time ago in Europe has caused many deaths and suffering among population where there was no cure at that time for this disease. (Walton 2000)


First, in the seventeenth century anatomical and physical description has been developed for this disease. Later, physicians started to understand the causative agent for the disease where they have predicted that TB could be caused by a minute organism. Many other attempts to understand the causative agent and the nature of the disease have been pursued, but unfortunately due to the lack of advanced technology made that quit difficult for some time. In the 1865, (Ryan 2003) French doctor, Jean-Antoine, has demonstrated that TB could be transmitted from human to human to animals and vice versa. In 1882 Robert Koch discovered a staining technique to enable him from seeing the microbe causing this disease. After years, the discovery of x-rays that considered one of the important tools for confirming or excluding that patient may or may not carrying the bacteria has been a breaking through advance. Continuous effort and work between scientists and doctors have been valued , where later after the Vaccine (BCG), and antibiotic discovery this problem with TB has been eradicated and diminished to dramatically huge level, scientist believed that after antibiotic discovery we should say good bye for microbes era .

Tuberculosis now days

It turns out those microbes not easy to control, huge relapse of many cases has been seen, among many nations worldwide. 1.8 billion people/year are affected by infection caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In 2008, it estimated that 1.3 million people died from TB (WHO). Next table shows the estimated TB incidence according to (WHO) in 2008(1): (Overlock 2000 )

Many incidences have been influenced the spread, distribution, and uncontrolled death rates which could be briefly mentioned below: Poverty, and low health education in developing countries make the risk of having and transmission the disease higher. Furthermore, personal hygiene, and having other kind of infectious disease such as HIV make people at a higher susceptibility rate for being exposed to infection. Developing multidrug resistance strains of Mycobacterium makes the process of the treatment even longer, and that's getting back to where we stated with health education. (Nemery 2005)The disease (TB): Tuberculosis is caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis, it is primarily targeting the lungs and it could pass to other systems including liver, kidneys, brain through the lymph node. Degree of dissemination depends on many factors which include age, and ...
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