Training Program

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Training Program

Training Program



Grades are based on a student=s English proficiency at a particular level and in a particular skill. Grades show how well students have mastered the objectives for a class. Some general guidelines follow:

A = exceptional mastery of course objectives.

B = good progress but student may still have some weaknesses in the skill area.

C = average progress with several weak areas in the skill area, some of which may be serious enough for a student to repeat the course.

X = satisfactory work but not enough progress to move to the next level; generally only given in Foundations and Intermediate level courses, in Advanced level listening/speaking courses, and in Advanced level reading and writing courses during spring and summer terms. An “X” grade can only be given once in a particular course.

F = failing; students receive this grade if their class average is 50% or below. Also, an “F” rather than an “X” may be given to a student required to take a course a second time due to low proficiency if the student has put forth little effort. An “F” must be given if a student needs to enroll in the same course for a third enrollment period.

Exam Results and Final Grades

Students will receive their results from their English proficiency tests as soon as the tests have been evaluated and the scores are available. Teachers will notify students of their final exams results and placements by sending them an e-mail. This notification will be sent about one week after the last day of EIL classes. Grades are available on the BYU-Hawaii website, usually about 10 days after the last day of EIL classes.

Classroom Behavior

American classroom customs may be different from what students are used to in their own countries. The tips below will help students adjust to the American classroom environment.

Classes begin on time. When students are late, they miss important announcements about tests and homework that can affect their grade. It is also distracting to other class members.

When students cannot avoid being late, it is not appropriate to knock before walking into class or to apologize to the teacher or give an excuse. Students should enter the class quietly and be seated. If students would like to, they can give the teacher an explanation after class.

When class begins, students should have their homework ready to be turned in, textbooks opened to the assignment for that day, and notebooks opened.

Teachers should be addressed by their title and family name, not teacher. The teacher will tell the class the title he/she prefers to be called. (For example: Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr., Sister, Brother).

When a classmate is making a comment or giving a presentation, other students should give him/her their full attention. Likewise, students should not talk to other students while the teacher is talking.


Active Not Passive

Students must be active language learners. They must be aware of the objectives of the class and identify ways to improve their language ...
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