Training Analysis Paper

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Training Analysis paper

Training Analysis paper


The quality of any training effort is based largely on whether it is thought through and planned before any action is taken. A simple five step process, representing the basic instructional design principles, can help ensure success. Training Location Leaders are expected to have a basic knowledge of these steps and apply them to the training activities they conduct.


I have attended an adult learning training recently. The training was of two days in which we have learnt different techniques and information regarding the adult learning.

Target Audience

The target audience for this training was the different people belonging from social organizations who want to take interest in adult learning. The target audience also concluded different students who want to gain their career in adult learning.

Effectiveness, And Appropriateness

For a training to be effective, it is necessary that a learner must be motivated to learn before any learning takes place. Even the most accomplished trainer delivering the best material available will not get through to learners who remain indifferent or reluctant. Use of adult learning theory is the best way to motivate trainees to learn. In this training I will give my feedback that the training session was very much clear and I was very much motivated with this training session due to its effective material.

Another important for a training session to be effective is that the Trainees must receive some encouragement or reward if learning is to continue. This reward need not be tangible. But learners need to experience a sense of progress or success. Nothing motivates further learning than the realization that one is learning something - nothing succeeds like success. As a trainer, design your activities to ensure learner success in the early stages of the training(Burns 2005). This training was very much helpful for me as I can get reward in terms of getting job in any social organization on the basis of this training session.

For reinforcement to be effective there must be feedback to convey and determine the results of the training. Feedback should occur both from you, the trainer, to the learner and from the learner to you. In this way all involved are given an opportunity to confirm progress, discuss concerns, and have input into the process.

Both positive and negative feedback will occur. Any negative feedback must be tactfully handled. And beware! Negative feedback should never be directed at an ...
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