Tort Law

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Tort Law

Tort Law


Bobby was immediately seen by a nurse who gave a large towel to Bobby. Nurse Williams told Bobby to put pressure on the cut while she tried to get a hold of his parents. Bobby was then directed to wait in the waiting room while his mother was contacted for insurance information for payment and consent on the way, Bobby ran into Dr. Andrews, a surgeon on his way to lunch the surgeon took a look at Bobby's wrist and told Bobby that he needed x-rays and immediate surgery. Ten minutes later, Nurse Williams told Bobby to go to the x-ray department. Johnny, the x-ray technologist took some x-rays and sent Bobby back. In his haste to get to the operating room for some emergency x-rays, Johnny left the films on the counter and failed to deliver them to a Radiologist for reading Bobby, his mother and Rachel waited in the waiting room again for approximately two hours.

Case Assignment

When his mother complained for the second time within 10 minutes, Bobby was rushed to surgery after which he was left with permanent damage to his hand wrist because of loss of blood and nerve damage Bobby no longer has full use of his hand and wrist In an essay not to exceed 4 pages , respond to the following 1. Evaluate the potential liability (negligence or other tort) of the various parties in this case. Be sure to discuss the elements of negligence as they apply to each party separately, and also discuss the application of EMTALA 2.

Does the negligent conduct of one or more parties supercede the liability of any other party or parties Note: Avoid restating the facts /scenario unless you are incorporating them into your discussion of liability Be sure to properly cite all references The main aim of the tortuous liability is to compensate the victim for injury and loss suffered from the actions (or omissions of any action from the hospital. The main purposes of tort include: - It compensates the injured for any damages suffered due to negligence on the part of others, hence acting as a source of insurance Acting as sanctions on the persons found guilty of negligence.

Whereas the standard literature has predicted that injurers who are subject to a negligence regime will often invest efficiently in care but choose excessive activity levels, we showed that they may ...
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