Tort Law

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Tort Law

Standard of Care Owed By Professionals

We live in a period of turmoil in the economy, science and technology play crucial roles. Scientific advances and new technologies have unprecedented influence in the work and daily life, and workers are at the cutting edge of change. This requires us to redefine the relationship of man to his habitat natural. Highly qualified professionals, managers and engineers are in the very center of the "dilemma moral "These are employees who develop new products, technology, develop strategies for marketing and open new markets. Their decisions affect the environment, conditions of work and consumers. In this work we see a definition of profession, their characteristics and also a definition of ethics and business are also codes of conduct as presented an exploratory note which makes how they relate to ethics and action business. In this sense we can distinguish three versions of business ethics.

The first, known as limited economist, the supreme criterion is to maximize profits but accepts as a constraint to meet the legal force and, in some cases, the social demands of the environment. The second version, designated here as rationalist dualism introduces the need to justify each decision with ethical judgments are made ??based on any theory of rationalist ethics defines what is right. The third version is called realism moderate to accept the human capacity of understanding reality moderate. Understand that ethics is an integral part of any action to the extent that it affects who performs and helps or hinders the achievement of human excellence, in contrast to other theories.

The professional in their daily lives not only facing problems in relation to their work, but also in his profession from day to day with the people around him, this means that often make mistakes without realizing that we are treading the line d of morality and daily life. Since the revolution in France, where it proclaimed the equality of rights , there are people, men and women carrying their burden the economy and the stability of any country. Since ancient times we have come across different professions and unto these rules are always marked and governing the performance of those professions. Men and women face problems in one way or another may put into question its proper conduct , often themselves doubting their own professionalism, but always bearing in mind that there since time immemorial duties and rights as everyone knows where classified. The individual to have a presence or personality variable can be changed, i.e. you can enlarge your ego, and you can have a huge thirst to reach perfection in his profession, making for a model without errors and unambiguous. The basis for the individual in his profession is reflected in ancient times, they have seen progress in all types of sciences, have gained and developed experiments that long ago would have been unimaginable to perform. Non-Professional may tend to fall into a model used by hundreds of professionals can fall into what would ...
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