Topic : “mother Nature's Bag Of Tricks Is Small”

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“Mother Nature's Bag of Tricks Is Small”

“Mother Nature's Bag of Tricks Is Small”


There is more unity in psychology than our internal squabbles can offer, because Mother Nature uses the same techniques in different contexts. There are fundamental principles that are widely used in psychology and have parallels in the field of biology and physics. Behavior is a function of potentials, which appear when the forces of incitement to action than the threshold. Thresholds from the exciting and inhibiting tendencies, which provoked the response with interest. Adaptive behavior is a mixture of only two options available to organisms, changing themselves to accommodate the inflexible environment or changing the world to meet their needs.


Classic topics discussed over the nature of education have been and always will be free to argue the scientific world. Some psychologists and scientists share the view that our behavioral aspects originate only from the environmental factors of our upbringing.

Though other experts say the opposite philosophy of science, which is consistent with the idea of a naturalist. This concept supports the idea of a naturalistic heritable genetic basis, inherited from our parents, is the sole determining factor in our behavioral characteristics. These two opposing views have prepared a set of ideas, theories and arguments in the history of psychology.

John Broadus Watson, the father of American behaviorism, significantly greater source of education through learning and adaptive behaviors in our environmental conditions (Rathus p.13). At this time of revolutionary ideas in psychology, an American psychologist Arnold Gesell support opposing views of Watson. Gesell suggested that "the physical and motor growth and development is monitored and automatically controlled natural process" (Rathus p.13). Each of these ideas remains strong in the world of psychology from the nineteenth century to the twentieth century, but now the new and unified psychology of the world recognizes both theories equally. It seems today that the explanation of our behavioral characteristics derived from heredity and ours, and the environment in which we were raised.

Psychologist and twin researcher David Rowe said that "parents should be charged less for children who have problems and take less credit for kids who are good" (Turecki). In fact noisy children, psychologists often question both sides of the genetic and environmental factoring. There is a naughty, children born this way, or raised that way? The answer may be both. In pioneering studies on a temperamental child, Stella Chess, MD, and Alexander Thomas, MD, concluded that the children were first born in a certain way, and then because of how they interact with their environment, they continue to grow this way.

Chess and Alexander also came to the conclusion based on studies of their "problem child" in the late 1950's that ten percent of normal children was a difficult child from birth (Tuecki). Based on research on chess, and Alexander, Stanley Turecki, MD, reestimated, that twenty percent of normal children temperamentally difficult from birth. Turecki, confused parent himself, recommended the parents of difficult children make an important ...