Topic: Single Parents

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Counselling Services for Single Parents

Counseling Services for Single Parents

Therapists strategy

Therapists use the term strategy, when in actuality it is a positive manipulation. This is no different than behavioral reinforcement of employers giving bonuses for outstanding work. Helium uses stars, badges and some monetary gain to positively manipulate the writer to continue to submit articles. We are faced with strategies and manipulations continuously through life. A negative manipulation would occur if the therapist benefited at the expense of the patient(Balcom, 2008). This flies in the face of sociopath's behavior, and is clearly morally wrong. A positive manipulation is when the patient benefits by a manipulation or strategy to pull the family together to look at the dynamics of all parties.

Dr. Carl Whitaker, a well know family therapist, emphasizes the crucial importance to have the whole family in session. There are even stories where the family pet has been invited into the session. All working dynamics can be better visualized with the family unit present.

technique is to slowly build the family session. Whoever the identified patient is ask them who they feel most comfortable with, which parent or which sibling(Bernard, 2006). You can start by bringing that person in first. Then slowly build from there. Warning, please be advised if you do not start as a family unit in therapy there is bound to be perceived bias with the identified patient. This is especially true when you may need to confront another family member. Difficulties always present themselves(Chiu, 2007 ). Be prepared. One family member may be a narcissistic personality disorder, when those difficult individuals arise, caution must be used, for they are quick to evade therapy at the drop of a pen.

Paradoxical approaches also work as a positive manipulation; however can be frowned upon by some peers in the field. Your family has many issues, I do not know if you and I can target all of them between us? This can be effective if the patient is empowered. You might just get a response, Let's try! Timing is of the utmost importance before ANY technique is used(Coney, Mackey, 1997). If your client is not ready, then do not push the issue. Resentment will build and you are rolemodling a demanding pathological parent before too long.

Family therapy is very important. As a therapist, one gets to view who sits where, eye contact, a mental transcript of who speaks more, who is the emotional leader in the family, who is the scapegoat, and who is the introverted one(Taanila, Latinen, Moilanen, 2002). You will get a real feel for being in the family, and a sense of what your patient feels. Not all family members can put on their goody hat; eventually the true self reveals itself. There is great success out of family therapy. The strategies used to obtain that family session vary. Stay within ethical, moral conduct, do not push the client, empower the client the best you can. With these guidelines I have had relatively good ...
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