Topic: Against Death Penalty

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Topic: Against Death Penalty


Today, when one turns on the television to enjoy something great, radio to hear something good, or even read a local newspaper awaiting to read some good news, one is flooded with terrifying and depressing news of talking about assassinations, suicides, series killing, and several other tragedic stories that disturb you inside out. Very rarely one finds such occasions where you don't have to go through such depressing news all day long because not only the media but people around you also talk about such horrifying acts happening in the society. How one can tackle these prevailing conditions of crime in the society? At present, there is a huge debate over the topic of death penalty, whether such a punishment is ethically right or wrong.

Truly we do have a certain advantage on our lives, but is it morally right if we take command on other people's lives as well. Is it right to forcefully obtain the right in deciding the type of life other people may or may not want to can live? In the United States and in many other nations like China and Iran, the concept and crime of death penalty is normally applied. Nevertheless, in the year 1990, the punishment of death penalty has been eradicated by more than thirty countries of the world as it was claimed to be the most inhuman and malicious type of punishment. Though, since some people who stand for death penalty think about if a person kills a person, and cruelly takes his life, he should be given a lesson by being executed as well. There are particular reasons that inquire about the dishonesty of the death penalty. Foremostly, it contravenes religious faith, beliefs and values that dwell among u. Secondly, it is not the right way or method of dealing with crime. And last but not the least there are times when, innocent people may be mistakenly thrashed down. Hence, in our detailed discussion below which is in the form a research paper we will study what death penalty or more precisely capital punishment is. We will take a view to explore people stating to support death penalty while further discuss what the opponents say against it being the most severe and painful form of punishment to humankind. According to opponents there are several other forms of severe punishments under criminal law other than capital punishment which should be enforced by the judicial authorities because hurting a human so badly is a terrible thing to do. Truly, he has made a disastrous crime by killing a human being. But if as a punishment he would be killed too then how would he ever get a chance to learn what is right and what is wrong. How would he ever find a solution to live his life a better way. Humans do make mistakes as big as a criminal act like a murder but the act against it should not be that big that he could never ever find a chance for improvement at ...
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