Tobacco Smoking

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Effects of Tobacco Smoking: A Systematic Review

Effects of Tobacco Smoking: A Systematic Review


Drugs defined as any chemical that is not food and whose pro- positive is to alter the function of the human body. From this definition, snuff and its derivatives can be considered as a drug, which used and socially accepted in most societies around the world. The use of snuff is as old as humanity itself. History shows that snuff and its derivatives have not only been present in the most societies, it has also been used for almost all segments of society. Therefore, it is not surprising to find that the snuff used in religious ceremonies, social events, for the pleasure staff and as currency in the exchange of products and services. Acceptance implied of this drug in the daily life of many societies has resulted in serious public health problems.

The report of the Surgeon General of the United States in the decade of the years identified nicotine, a substance found naturally in the snuff, as an addictive substance. Since then, several scientific studies have concluded that nicotine causes physical and psychological dependence.

This dependency is due in part to nicotine not only produces a feeling of pleasure when ingested and reduces appetite in the user, but also has a calming effect central nervous system. Nicotine also has a cumulative effect on the central nervous system of the person, and that eventually mind the individual develops a tolerance to the drug and requires an increase in the daily dose to maintain levels needed.

In adolescence, many young people begin experimenting with tobacco. Why do they do? Do they enjoy it? Is this how they intend to break away from everyday life? Unfortunately, this does not lead to anything good. As a result, smokers succumb to heart disease, cancer, have deplorable physical and mental condition. Nicotine rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream through the lining of the mouth and upper respiratory tract, cardiovascular system damage, so often referred to as the heart and blood poison. Cigarette smoke also facilitates the penetration of allergens respiratory, environmental factors, external or internal influence and irritating to respiratory system, which is one reason why smokers commonly occurring asthma.

Why do young people turn to smoking tobacco, knowing that it is harmful to their health? The most common cause is a society in which a young man is living. Young people, in whose surroundings are smoking friends or family members are more likely to mobilize the tobacco use. Another reason why smoking tobacco is a desire to express in this way their rebellion to the world. They want to prove thereby that they are adults, and strong. Many young people smoke because their parents do. Many young people want to forget about smoking issues. They thinks that this will get rid of what bothers them what to fear. Becomes detached from everyday life - frequent quarrels with parents, siblings, school, academic failure, arguments with teachers or friends. And thus do not help themselves (Ecobichon & Wu ...
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