Title: Outstanding Teaching And Learning........

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Title: Outstanding Teaching and Learning........

Title: Outstanding Teaching and Learning........




Outstanding Teaching and Learning


Any school is unable to achieve the future vision for education in the light of the comprehensive quality standards without ensuring the improvement of student learning skills and basic knowledge and endowing them with positive trends relating to citizenship, and dealing with them without discrimination, and ensure that all of them get equal and distinct educational opportunities, and proceed that all students can learn everything presented to them, and access to the degree of perfection and excellence. The school should make sure that all school staff gets opportunities for participation and teamwork for fruitful cooperation, and opportunities to ensure effective community participation around them. This study is aimed at all the educational measures and activities that can be taken to achieve the principle of learning excellence and brilliance in teaching (Comer, 1997,, 42).

Characteristics of effective schooling system include:

1. A safe school environment.

2. A social climate provided by the school teachers of good actors in the light of the clear vision and mission (Comer, 1997,, 42).

3. Effective educational leadership

4. The clarity of the tasks assigned by the workers.

5. Positive attitudes of teachers.

6. Proper management of calendar and alumni.

7. A close relationship between the school and the family of the student (Cuban, 2003,, 36).

8. A variety of technological systems.

Components of effective school include:

· School Objectives

· School Administration

. Teachers and the individuals involved.

· Students.

· Finance and financial management.

· Academic programs.

· Calendar.

· Participation of parents.

· Community participation.

· Educational services.

· Effective communication climate.

· School building.

Outstanding Teaching and Learning


Traditionally, educational evaluation has been focused on the learning of students. So disturbing and unfair, rather undemocratic, in systems single subject teaching the student was evaluated. Many educational researchers have tried to change this order of things and states explicitly that the assessment should cover several areas: education authorities, schools and the teaching / learning methods and environment. In general, if the assessment is rigorous, it serves to highlight shortcomings wrong practices, administrative oversights (Cuban, 2003,, 36).

A school is a complex institution, whose operation is determined by external and internal environment. The education inspectorate has an external control about it, but there is nowhere to be expected valid proposals for improvement. Change must come from within. Internal evaluation is the road. The improvement plan replaced with advantage to external evaluation (EVA plans and audits, etc.).

What is a School Improvement Plan?

Sometimes, we use names that are scary. An improvement plan, for example, has to be something sophisticated, technocratic, and complex. An improvement plan is only the translation of a compromise. Even that, is the manifestation of an intention to improve, to change to be more effective, to better serve our students, to move towards total quality.

What are the Components of a Good School

A good school contains following characteristics:

? A tool for learning

? A tool to improve education management

? A tool to improve the quality of the centre and our professional practice

? An internal assessment ...
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