[NAME OF INSTRUCTOR] Biography of Salvador Minuchin Life:
Salvador Minuchin was born in Argentina in 1921 to Russian Jewish immigrant parents. Minuchin was the eldest of three children and the son of a successful businessman (Napoliello2002). When the Depression came into fruition his family business has deteriorated and the family was thrown into a life of poverty. In El Salvador with a passion for helping people through psychology began when he was in high school and he wanted me to help juvenile offenders. In high school he decided that he will contribute to juvenile offenders, after listening to his teacher to discuss the psychology of the philosopher Rousseau's idea that criminals are victims of society. In 1944, a student, he became an activist of the left political movement against the dictator Juan Peron, who took control of the universities of Argentina. He was jailed for three months. After graduating in 1946 he began residency in pediatrics.
Contributions to Clinical Psychology Dear early practitioner of family therapy, Salvador Minuchin, outlined a simple but powerful approach to understanding and treating families in his book "1974 Families and family therapy. This approach, known as structural family therapy (SFT), is probably one of the most effective methods for understanding and healing to troubled families.
Structural family therapy (SFT) Structural family therapy (SFT) is a method Psychotherapy developed by Salvador Minuchin which addresses the problems of functioning within the family ((Napoliello2002)). Structural family therapists seek to enter, or "join" family system in therapy to understand the invisible rules that govern its operation, map relationships between family members or between subsets of the family, and ultimately disrupt the dysfunctional family relationships that lead to stabilization in a more healthy way. Minuchin argues that the pathology lies not in the individual, but within the family system.
Family structure In SFT, the life story of a family is regarded as a series of attempts to maintain the desired balance between stability and change (Will, David 1995). Family is considered as one system, which exists as a subset of the larger social systems (eg, communities and organizations) and has fewer social subsystems (eg, coalitions) within its borders. He shares his views on what makes a good therapist family, and he explains why, if the doctors to become a catalyst for change, they must learn to use their personal stories, their feelings and sensitivities. Part II takes us backstage to watch Minuchin in supervisory sessions with students and their families care. Family structure, subsystems, boundaries, and how they connect between (i.e., their dynamics and rules of operation) are of particular importance in assessing the functionality of family patterns. Defining the hierarchy between individuals, subsystems, coalitions, and the rules that govern all interactions is also part of the understanding and care of the family.
Family patterns
According to Minuchin, it is through observing patterns of interaction are repeated across time and situations that understanding the roles of subsystems, coalitions, hierarchy, and rules (of the family) can be ...