Three Rivers Optical

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Three Rivers Optical

Three Rivers Optical


The Three Rivers Optical is a company that supplies prescription lenses for opticians, optometrists and ophthalmologists. The operations of the business started in 1969 and since then it has grown phenomenally in the regions it has spread. Originally, the business was started from Pittsburgh and later it expanded its operations in other areas like Western Ohio, Indiana and Michigan. It is a family business which started out as wholesaler for uncut glass lenses which meant that the customers had to give it finishing touching them. However, with time, they used new equipment and soon became the leader in the industry. In the year 2003, the business was handed down by the founders of the company Bill Seibert and his wife to their three children, Steve, Joe and Mary Ann. The management tasks are split equally between the three siblings where Joe is the CEO and handles marketing and sales, Joe handles the lab and Mary Ann looks after the finance. The success of the business lies with their decisions that are based as a 'we' and not 'I'. Everything is shared between the three and that's the main reason for their success.


There are different challenges that are faced by the business each day and Steve being the CEO has to consider a lot of things before he is able to make a decision. The current challenge being faced by him is the continuation of trade shows. Although, trade shows are vital for its business, there are cost concerns related with it that makes him rethink the way he is doing business. The trade show budget and the results are not that high as anticipated by having them and thus, since he is planning to grow the business, he feels there has to be a change in the way business is being done. The main concerns are allocating budget to which shows that can bring an optimum results for the business. Further, who is the target market and who should attend these shows. Also, how big should the whole extravaganza should be? Further on the CEO wants to increase the sales of the company and expand in other markets. This requires careful understanding of the current potential of the company and how the business will get there. Although, trade shows fuels the expansion of the company like always, there are additional costs like hiring of sales staff and giving them proper salary with car to keep them motivated enough to do their job.

The way TRO does business is by hiring sales staff when they are needed. The issue of chicken with egg is happening with the company. However, they only expand in areas where there are sufficient accounts and therefore they incur further costs. Each sales staff is hired with a car and a sufficient salary that can fulfill his basic needs. They are not commission based and the CEO does not believe in keeping them in fear. Steve believes in controlled growth where he hires sales staff ...