Theory Of Moral Development

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Lawrence Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development Applied to Counseling Clients with Specific Kinds of Addictive Behavior

Lawrence Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development Applied to Counseling Clients with Specific Kinds of Addictive Behavior


Moral development is a topic of interest in both psychology and education. Psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg modified and expanded upon Piaget's work to form a theory that explained the development of moral reasoning. Piaget described a two-stage process of moral development? while Kohlberg theory of moral development outlined six stages within three different levels. Kohlberg extended Piaget's theory? proposing that moral development is a continual process that occurs throughout the lifespan. Moral development of individuals contributes to an organized society. It is important for every individual to have moral development in order for them to have a better grasp of themselves and a tranquil conscious. This paper will discuss two theories on moral development: Lawrence Kohlberg and Carol Gilligan. Both theorists explain the development of morals throughout life. Kohlberg's research consists of male participants? while Gilligan's response to this is specifically focusing on the moral development of women. Kohlberg based his theory upon research and interviews with groups of young children. A series of moral dilemmas were presented to children? who were then interviewed to determine the reasoning behind their judgments of each scenario. The following is one example of the dilemmas Kohlberg presented.

Lawrence Kohlberg's: Theory of Moral Development

Kohlberg's theory of moral development is a continuation to the research that Piaget started. Kohlberg's inspiration towards Piaget motivated him to further expand on Piaget's work by going past the early ages in childhood that Piaget has studied. Kohlberg also felt that the moral maturation and moral development was much more gradual than Piaget. Similar to Piaget? Kohlberg believed that changes were due to cognitive ability rather than changes of the self. Kohlberg's study consisted of him interviewing children and adolescents and presented them with a hypothetical dilemma. He then asked the participants to describe what the protagonist “should” or “would” do (Kohlberg? 1993). These interviews would later allow him to formulate his theory of moral development.

Kohlberg's theory consists of three levels that are divided into six stages. In level 1: the pre-conventional or pre-moral level? assumes moral dilemmas are based on external standards. Typically people experience this level from ages 4 to 10. Behavior is governed on whether a child will receive a reward or punishment. The first stage? assumes children will be obedient to avoid punishment. The second stage? focuses on receiving rewards rather than punishment. Children's behavior is geared towards doing the “right” thing in exchange for a reward or compensation. In Level 2: the conventional level? moral thought focuses on conforming to conventional roles. Occasionally? this level occurs from ages 10 to 13. Behavior is influenced by what is expected of you from people. While moral standards begin to be internalized? they are still based on what others dictate? instead of what is personally decided. Stage 3? involves obtaining the approval of ...
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