Theories On Crime Comparison

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Theories on Crime Comparison


Illicit behaviors are those acts which are detrimental and are rigorously proscribed to be done under the existing laws, and are supposed to be punished by the justice professionals.

Theoretical understanding of these unlawful behaviors is for general, simple, rational, emotionally pleasing, appropriate explanations of variation in these behaviors.

Subsequently, this research paper aims to view the relationship between personality and criminal behavior regarding biological theory of crime, comparison of key elements of biological theory of crime with socio-biological and psychological theories of crime, and identification of philosophical basis of each theory.

Theories on Crime Comparison


Criminology is the term, derived from Latin means the study of accusation, refers to the precise study of the nature, scope, causes, and management of unlawful behavior in the individual and in society both. It is an interdisciplinary field in the behavioral sciences, depicting particularly upon the revision of sociologists, psychologists and, social anthropologists, and on writings in law as well.

Delinquency in contrast can be defined as a circumventing of presented laws, constituting criminal and lawful behaviors.

A criminal person with particular traits of personality is more prone to have antisocial behavior if he has been up brought by certain patterns.


Personality is the particular mixture of emotional, attitudinal, and behavioral traits of an individual to form a distinctive character and make him different from others.

Unlawful or antisocial acts that situate the individual at jeopardy of being in the spotlight of the consideration of the criminal and juvenile professionals (Andrews and Bonta, 1998).

Here, four areas come under the realm of unlawful behavior.

Legal Criminal Behaviors

These are the actions that are forbidden by the state and liable to be punished by the law.

Moral Criminal Behaviors

Such behaviors which refer to trials that infringe the norms of religion and integrity and are considered as carrying a punishment by a supreme sacred individual.

Social Criminal Behaviors

Actions that breach the norms of custom and folklore and are measured as punished by the public.

Psychological Criminal Behaviors

Refer to procedures that may be gratifying the individual but impose hurting or hammering on others. This is criminal behavior which is also known as anti-social behavior.

Scholars have constructed and evaluated many different theories of law, crime, and punishment. Unfortunately, there is relatively little agreement among criminology is multidisciplinary field comprised of conflicting theological, philosophical, biological, psychological and sociological perspectives.

Biological Theory of Crime

The biological theories of crime try to hit upon casualties that influence human behavior and proceedings.

Relationship between Personality and Criminal Behavior

Assumptions of these crime theories are that corporeal attributes can direct any person towards the immoral behavior. In general, there was a consideration that particular substantial attributes were transferred from parent to their offspring, pushing them further towards the possibility of being engaged in crime. These prior theories paid attention on inheritance, and were very fast to formulate suppositions regarding the conclusions of the study.

Earlier, Cesare Lombroso (1836-1909) worked out on these thoughts up to a new plane and started to examine parts of the body along with the features of ...
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