Critical reflection on the therapeutic model considering the characteristics of the current school and the roles that society attributes to guiding. The current school counselor needs to meet a number of functions, the model could not be overcome all therapeutic, so a person responsible for the orientation in a center can not focus only on that model, but having completed its role provision for learners with whom they work. From our point of view, in most cases the centers of our country, using this model, as counselors focus their role in correcting or improving deficits, individually, labeling children and not knowing everything behind it.
From this conclusion, and as stated above, the counselor should not focus only on this model, since their functions remain incomplete, and therefore perform below this critical reflection, contributing ideas and analyzing the current situation. It is important to note here that not everything should be referred to the counselor at the center when a problem occurs, since in this model is the only counselor in charge of solving it, and that all children with problems are referred to it. The teacher also has a role to play not only when teaching math or language, but must be involved in the problems of the center and its students, and not to overload in office counselor.
All this means that the current guidance is only that welcomes students, as a mere passive recipient, expecting that it reaches the problem. However, it should be required greater involvement, and a great concern for the problems at school in general.
Many years ago that I work in settings as diverse as psychiatric hospitals, centers for youth assistance, training centers for disadvantaged populations or outpatient centers. This is the story of some of the people I accompanied. My first teachers were the poor people of slum, the unemployed and immigrants from Charleroi, Brussels, Namur and Mons in Belgium. I've probably learned to think systemically even before training. Indeed, when I met the discouraged workers - from freely in Europe empty our dustbins, as Pierre Perret has sung so well - it was impossible to ignore that they were far from their country of their original families, their cultures. It was impossible to forget their sad streets and old houses. Can not forget the families when the children run and play between your legs.
Discussion & Analyses
This taught me to think brief therapy also. Forgive me this truism: the poor have no money! Forgive me this paradox: the unemployed do not have time! People faced with issues of survival - food, heat, get respect just - acquire a concrete and pragmatic thinking. They need rapid and tangible results. I learned my trade, certainly a lot by reading the great writers you will find some in the bibliography. I learned my craft by watching my colleagues work. I say without shame, I have imitated (Shuker, 2010). I tested the way they do. I borrowed their way of saying...