Theoretical Frameworks (Film, Poetry)

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Theoretical Frameworks (Film, Poetry)

Falling Man by Don DeLillo

September 11, 2001 attacks on the Twin Towers are a pivotal event because it is a paradigm shift that had defined the relationship between the nations during the past century, highlighting the power and barbaric fragility of Western societies (Enders, 58).

Don DeLillo humanizes the terrorists in the sense of providing them with intentions, making them believable, drawing their faces, but avoiding any understandable or justifiable to their actions or trying to please the reader and force the contradiction between the individual considered in isolation from their actions (Crenshaw, 379).

The characters, especially those who have lived experience of the attacks, and the narrator, expressed in a peculiar way, allusive (and elusive on numerous occasions), with many repetitions that seem to have no other way to gain time to improve the accuracy of the description (Enders, 58). Metaphors abound without slowing down the action, the words always seem to have several meanings, like behaviors are often not what they seem, forming a peculiar tone that runs throughout the novel of unreality, impermanence dream (Denard, 47). And this effect is undoubtedly one of the greatest achievements of the novel of Don DeLillo (Beaulieu, 87).

World Trade Centre: Movie

September 11, 2001 is an event of the tragedy. This event has a great impact on the brain of humanity and it's not possible to forget about that disaster moment that taken place by some clod hearted terrorist (Denard, 47). In order to attack the highest building of the World Trade Centre this placed in the New York City and the Pentagon of the Washington, DC, the terrorists hijacked three airplanes (Crenshaw, 379). It was extremely lethal and destructive because it was not only the lost of the economy, or created uncertainty in the surrounding as well there thousands of people died, according to U.S record almost around 3000 people died in this terror. This was the largest attack on the soil of United State of America; around the world including the miss happening that occurred in Japan, which was the Japanese attack on the Pearl Harbor (Enders, 58). The event of 9/11 made a clear pictured before everyone because of the live telecasting and the media improvement as the broad casting of the collapse of towers. The impacts on the country as well in the entire world were very high and deep.

Oliver Stone's approach is simplistic. It exposes the suffering of the families who falls in this easy melodramatic romance novel, focusing on pregnant wife (Denard, 47). The idea of making a film with two people caught trying to leave would still be good, but not well taken. Oliver Stone committed to recurring flashbacks to show that these two cops are ordinary people, and shows transitory scenes of everyday life. The truth is that we do not have to prove they are ordinary people, we know much of the film tries to show us something that we believe from the beginning of the film (Crenshaw, 379).

But there is something worse ...