There are numerous religions in the world and not all religions have mutual set of beliefs on the contrary religion is present in all the known human societies. The earliest of the societies also show signs that religious symbols as well as the ceremonies do practice some kind of religion and it is the religion which shapes up the way individual react to the their own environment. Since religion is said to be crucial part of the society hence sociologists find it interesting (Parsons, 1951).
There were three sociological theories that have come up with theory in relation to religion and their theories have said to strongly impact the sociology of religion. The three personalities are Durkheim, Marx & Weber. The three personalities were not religious completely however what interested them or developed their inclination towards religion is the power that religion comprises over not only people but societies as well. These personalities believed in the fact that religion is nothing but illusion since factors such as culture and location which impacts religion to such an extent that religion is termed as the premise behind the existence of man and society which they termed it as being improbable. They also predicted the fact that with the passage of time the power that religion holds will deteriorate and the impact of the religion will lessen. The basis of the development of theories was the fact that they believed that religion is an illusion solely.
Functionalism & Religion
Emile Durkheim coined functionalism. Durkheim, throughout his educational journey spent time in learning the different religions of the world and religions that were practiced by smaller societies. The religion which attracted Durkheim was totetism which was practiced by the aborigines of Australia. Durkheim perceived religion as being the context of the society as a whole and also acknowledged the fact that it is religion that tends to impact the way people behave and why people behave in a certain manner in a particular society. Durkheim believes in the fact that it is people who tend to create a distinction amidst routines of existence, symbols as well as objects which are said to be scared to them from those that are non-religious in terms routines of existence, symbols as well as objects. The daily routines of existence, symbols as well as objects are termed as being profane by the people. People believe that sacred objects are said to have divine properties which ultimately creates a difference between the sacred and the daily objects, routines of existence and symbols. When it comes to cultures, even the most advanced of cultures still hold importance to the sacred objects and have a sense of awe and reverence to it regardless of the fact whether they believe that the objects have a special power.
Durkheim further argues the fact that religion is an aspect which is not confined to a set of beliefs solely in fact religion is also concerned with rituals conducted regularly by the people along which serves the ...