Themes In U.S. And World History

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Themes in U.S. and World History

Themes in U.S. and World History


The French and Indian War ended in the year 1763. This war was a part of “Great War of Empire”, as British wanted to occupy a dominant and prominent position in North America and the Sub continent of India. This war lasted for 7 years (1754-1763). The French and Indian War not only stripped France of its North American empire, it also caused Britain to change its relationship to its colonies, a change that eventually led to the American Revolution. The British Government destroyed after occupying the control of North American Territories. It was the debt which caused the British Government to destroy.


The situation at that time was very critical as hostility increased between the colonies and the Government. There were different incidents, which led to, war such as The Stamp Act, The Quartering Act of 1776 and The Boston Massacre. The war remained for 20 years between the two. On September 3, 1783, the Treaty of Paris signed between the Great Britain and United States of America (including the new territories). The new Constitution signed on September 17, 1783. According to this treaty, the original 13 colonies were reviewed according to the new policies formed by the Parliament of America (Miquel, 2011).

The British were successful in military as they were able to control North American Continent. These include areas such as French Canada, Mississippi River, all French territories. British and Cuba were returned back to Spain. Although Florida was no more under the control of Spain, it was given the title of Louisiana which is in the west of Mississippi river (Miquel, 2011).

Since, that time many territories and lands have been added to the south and West of New Orleans on orders of Thomas Jefferson. It was his wish to acquire the territories as French claimed it was their acquisition. He believed that the presence of France and Spain in North America can be a threat to America. Furthermore, it was also blocking the trade in America as French and Spain were always interfering in the US trade. This claim was known as Louisiana Purchase as it included the North America which was now part of America.

Additional details of Louisiana Purchase

The Louisiana Purchase encompassed 15 current U.S states including two Canadian provinces. The lands which were purchased included Iowa, Oklahoma, Nebraska, ...
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