War of 1812 made almost anything. All that was done on were pretty much a done deal. Nevertheless, there were several key battles of the war. Three of the most important battles of the United States during the War of 1812 were; Battle Tippecanoe, Battle of Baltimore, and the Battle of New Orleans (Perkins, p22).
Firstly, the Battle of Tippecanoe was a very important battle in the War of 1812. It was a battle, which pretty much started it all. It was conducted in the West in 1811. Tecumseh and his brother, the Prophet gathered the tribes together, to go against the United States with great force. Confederation of Indian made their capital, a village known as the City of the Prophet, who once Tippecanoe. General William Henry Harrison organized an army of 1000 men in 1811 with the aim of driving the Indians from the land. Tecumseh was in the southern disc set at the time.
Harrison and representatives of the prophet was a meeting on arrival and Harrison and his army, during which it was agreed that there would be no fighting until another meeting could be held on another day. Harrison's army are located about one mile from the Tippecanoe. Army told to sleep with their clothes and be ready to fight. Although Tecumseh told his brother not to attack the Prophet Indian attack before dawn. Inexperienced army recaptured the determined Indians. Total of sixty-two soldiers were killed. Between twenty-five and sixty Indians died. Angered by the Prophet, some of the soldiers threatened to kill him. Harrison is expected to Tecumseh, to show in the near future with a large group of Indians, so no one allowed to sleep (Perkins, p67).
American shippers took advantage of the hostilities in Europe to absorb the conduct of trade between Europe and the French and Spanish islands in the West Indies. By breaking the route with a stop in a U.S. port, they evaded seizure under the British rule in 1756, which forbade neutrals in wartime any trade that was not allowed in peacetime. In 1805, however, in the Essex case, a British court ruled that American ships passing in violation of American port did not circumvent the prohibitions set forth in Rule 1756. As a result of the capture of American ships of Great Britain increased (Hickey, p34).
The following year, Britain instituted a partial blockade of the coast of Europe. French Emperor Napoleon I, said the blockade of the British Isles. Napoleon's Continental System, which was proposed to exclude British goods or items unblocked through Britain from nations under French control, and the British orders in council (1807), which forbade trade with France except after touching at English docks, threatened the American merchant fleet with forfeiture of one or the other. Although the French subjected American ships to considerable arbitrariness, the difficulties with England were more apparent. Requisition of sailors, presumably the British out of the U.S. Courts has been particularly great source of anti-British feeling, ...