Between 1982 and 1990, the United States Congress enacted a series of laws designed to announce victims and witnesses of misdeed of their rights and positions in the lawless individual justice system. The last of the series, the Victims' Rights and Restitution Act of 1990, imposed an obligation on departments and agencies of the United States committed in noticing, investigating, or prosecuting crimes, and incarcerating those convicted, to see that victims are accorded specific rights and certain services. Congress by the President administered the Department of the Navy (DON) rendezvous mandatory requirements in relative to the rights of victims and witness inside the infantry justice system.
Today, the U.S. Navy is a standard association in regards to the rights of victims and witnesses. The provisions described in this essay are not restricted to offenses prosecuted at courts-martial (equivalent to a felony offense and trial). Crime victims and witnesses manage not forfeit their status when offenses are mentioned for non-judicial punishment or administrative separation processing (minor offenses). In overseas locations, these terms are restricted to victims and witnesses who are infantry members (and their families), Department of Defense citizen employees, and contractors (and their families).
Within the DON, victims have the right to address the court at sentencing. A government test counsel must supply notification to victims of the opening to present to the court at sentencing, in compliance with applicable regulation and regulations, a statement of the influence of the misdeed on the casualty encompassing economic, social, psychological, and physical damage suffered by the victim. Victims have the right to be present at all public court proceedings associated to the offense, unless the court determines that testimony by the casualty would be materially influenced if the casualty learned other testimony at the trial.
The victim's perspective may be considered before early release is conceded to a person convicted of courts-martial. Courts-martial convening authorities and clemency and parole boards shall consider producing restitution to the casualty a status of allocating pretrial agreements, decreased sentences, clemency, and parole. They may consider casualty statements on the influence of crime.
Professional assistance and counselors are supplied to assistant victims and witnesses in the lawless individual process. Every installation designates a localized responsible authorized (referred to as Victim/Witness Coordinator, Victim/Witness Liaison, or Victims' Advocate) to ensure systems are in location at the infantry installation to supply data on accessible benefits and services, and assistance in getting those benefits and services. Although the Navy does not specifically supply for casualty restitution and assistance for victims and witnesses, casualty advocates must advise victims of their right to request for compensation from state compensation programs in agreement with the Victims' Rights and Restitution Act of 1990.
The localized responsible authorized may delegate as befitting, but retains responsibility for consignment of needed services. To coordinate the consignment of services, the localized responsible authorized may use an set about engaging various service providers. These providers often encompass regulation enforcement personnel, lawless individual investigators, chaplains, family advocacy personnel, ...