The value of rural villages to supply a New Cooperative Branding Model for Chinese Rural villages
I, (Name) wish to announce that all contents of this work / memory stand in my own work without any support, and this thesis / dissertation has been no research on the academic and professional in the past. It also represents my own views and not closely related to the university.
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I, [name of the author], hereby declare the best of my knowledge, the entire contents of this thesis represent my real job, and that such a thesis was submitted prior to any academic research or other qualifications. In addition, he represents his own personal opinions and do not have anything to do with them at university.
Rural communities may especially benefit from the cooperative brand. Co-operative brand is when two or more organizations, institutions and organizations have joined together to form a single brand, brand or share the mutual use of the skills of all stakeholders to better match the target markets. Various aspects of the brand held a number of academic studies, but most of the literature focuses on consumer goods and groceries. Although the signs of many goods and services, tourism and invade almost all aspects of the tourism concept is studied and practiced with the determination of destination marketing in the general area. Specific sectors such as rural tourism, small survey was conducted in order to process an image (Haahti, 1986).A common challenge for the tourism development in a rural community is that it has limited appeal. One picture is not distinctive, individual rural sites are often too small to form a critical mass, catering to the main target.
No other culture influenced Asia flow over such a long period of time, such as Confucianism and its teachings on the "right" actions of people. Although their intellectual creator Confucius in the Chinese empire of the 5th Century who lived before Christ, its ethical conception has still very well received and above all to influence the behavior of many people. During the collectivization of agriculture was now the people mentioned without any social protection. Besides the problem of the deterioration of social conditions for workers, a more negative phenomenon is apparent as a result of ownership of rural households. Here it is important to keep in mind that this trend can be used to anticipate any problems the proposed plan may face during the implementation.
Research objectives1
Research Question2
Research Hypothesis2
The Confucian ethics and teachings of their action5
The Role of Modernization in Globalization6
Advantages of Multinational Enterprises in Emerging Countries8
Examination of the data organizations9
China's economic reforms11
Social impact of China's culture value reform policy13