The Value Of Mba

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“MBA Students Organize Panel Debate”

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“MBA Students Organize Panel Debate”


In current debate on the value of MBA, an instrumental and rational point of view on skills and knowledge dominates. The fundamental belief is that learning and studying can be explained in quantitative expressions in terms of individuals obtaining more of some described and visibly bordered body of knowledge or literary subject. Similarly, the development and improvement of perception and judgmental ability is relatively one dimensional approach as the conceptual teaching of the mind to master certain intellectual techniques. The prevailing metaphor entails that knowledge inhabit within the individual and the point of getting an MBA degree is to master the expertise which eventually makes it possible for a person to counter queries relating to the pre described body of knowledge.

Every year thousands of students across the globe get themselves enrolled in the graduate level studies such as MBA programs. Each of these students possess different reasons behind their admission in higher level of education programs few wanted to pursue higher education to in order to earn more and to achieve a higher quality of life, while few study in order to refine their knowledge further. Although these two grounds are not the sole prime factors behind higher education programs but are the prominent ones. Here, the primary subject of our argument paper is to analyze the aspects behind the “Decision to get an MBA”. (Schoenfeld, G. 2006, Pp. 11-26)

In MBA students comes from different cultures and backgrounds to seek experience and to learn in an stimulating learning environment. MBA is a passport to a successful future career management the Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree is a degree which is consist of the most popular courses. From United States more than 90,000 master degrees, and in United Kingdom more than 10,000 students graduates each year. This makes a UK a top most producer outside the US. (Starkey, 2005, pp. 61)

Purpose of event

The basic idea behind organizing this event is to give an over view on the value of MBA, and planning out a meeting to share the ideas within a group of people, have general discussion about the value of MBA and ultimately reach to the collective decision. The important point which lies behind this event is to bring the awareness on the importance and value of getting the degree of an MBA.

Learning/ studying process

MBA degree is a person who wants a leadership role and managers in today's competitive business world. If you are serious about a career in business management, then MBA is the best option for you. This level is recognized around the world. In MBA education, an individual will learn all about business management. It will facilitate in learning business techniques, management techniques, leadership skills and all about the management. Now a day, MBA degree is getting very importance around the world, the businesses around the world requires skilled executives in order to develop strategies and to take their business on ...
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