The United States Parole System

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The Parole System In The United States

Table of Contents

I. Introduction3

II. Crime and its Costs.5

III. Public protection programs to ensure the safety of the public from prisoners' re-entry into society.6

IV. The impact of a growing parole system has on society in the United States.7

V. Financial reports/summaries of the operations of the Parole System7

VII. How The Parole System Could Improve Its Effectiveness Towards Its Social Goals10

VIII. The Future Of The Parole System And Its Impact On The Criminal Justice System11


Parole System in the United States

I. Introduction

The starting point of US parole System may be linked to the work of several people who regulated jails; they comprise: Walter Crofton in the year 1854, Brockway Zebulon in the year 1867, and Alexander Maconochie in the year 1840 (Walter , 1961). Crofton run the Irish prison, Zebulon was the governor of the New York Elmira penitentiary whereas Maconochie was the administrator of the Norfolk Island prison. All the above paid a regular contribution to the introduction of parole system in the United States prison system.

The parole system is a social agency that was introduced to our society to be the solution of our increasing prison population. The parole system gives a criminal a second chance introducing them back into society by reducing their sentence but under watch and with rules to follow, or go back to prison. The impact parole has on society is that we can punish criminals for committing crimes but also can realize that they can understand their mistake accept their punishment and because of that they can be release back into society and prove they can be a active member of our society. The parole system will continue to grow with criminals, but will not have the funding and law enforcement support to keep the parole system operating as it should, and as a result of this some criminals that are on parole will see this as a opportunity to commit crime and reducing the effectiveness of this social agency.

Definition of Parole

Parole is method in which offenders are overseen so as to find out whether they are on the verge of execute the similar offence or any other offence in this stretch of time, if they do carry out a offence in this time, they are returned to jail, both paroles and probations are laid down to decide the treatment stage of a criminal and if the criminal is completely changed and if she or he is able to exist in the world without doing misdeeds. Parole is an opportunity where any individual is entitled to parole if the criminal is given a maximum and minimum punishment and after serving the least punishment the parole board can choose to put her or him under parole after a deliberation investigation, this is on the contrary to the probation where judge decides this. (Albanese, 2012)

History Of The Creation Of the Parole System

The foundation of US parole system may be linked to the mid 19th century when criminals ...
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