The Underground Railroad

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The Underground Railroad

The Underground Railroad


The Underground Railroad was comprised of a network of people and places that assisted fugitive slaves with their escape from slavery. While the Underground Railroad was not a formalized nationwide system, as sometimes represented, it was also not a haphazard set of paths that slaves would passively follow. Both descriptions defy the loosely constructed networks that allowed escaping slaves to connect with those who desired to assist the fugitives in their quest for freedom. "Give me liberty or give me death!" These going words by Patrick Henry succeeded in inspiring American Patriots towards revolution. It was this concept of liberty at all costs that essentially based the large United States of America. Ironically, it was precisely this standard which they battled for so passionately that they would refute to African Americans for roughly 300 years by producing them slaves. However, their hypocritical efforts to suppress the African American rush did not succeed in exterminating the very feeling that they themselves had almost perfected. Regardless of their efforts, African Americans sustained their desire for flexibility at all costs since years subsequent Patrick Henry's words were innocently rephrased by Harriet Tubman, a runaway slave and famous conductor of the notorious below ground trains, when she said, "There are two things in life to which I am deserving to, those are liberty and death, I will not have one, I shall have the other!"


Slavery in the American countries is said to have started in the year 1526 when the Spanish conveyed over indentured servants to work for a designated time span of time. The history of slavery itself although, can be traced back to the perform by empires and nations that existed before the Common Era, of taking the inhabitants of villages and countries conquered at conflict and using them as slaves. However, with time the perform became les and less well liked and finally ceased. Christopher Columbus's appearance to the new world would assess the starting of slavery in America. Even before the 1526 appearance of indentured servants, Columbus and his crew started using the native inhabitants of island such as the Hispaniola, to work the land and augment products to convey back to Spain, as well as to search for gold and work the various types of mines. Slowly yet steadily, European diseases as well the farthest amounts of work started to exterminate the Natives. Realizing that they still required persons to present the jobs that the natives had been accomplishing without yield, they started kidnapping Africans and conveying them over to America to work as slaves. Eventually, slavery became a widespread thing. Slaves were even used in Jamestown, the British colonies' first successful settlement, to choose tobacco. Within what is now the joined Stats, slavery started to augment along with the country. It had become such a widespread part of life that before the Revolutionary War, slavery was lawful in all of the thirteen colonies. After the conflict and establishment of states, some chose to ...
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