The Strategic Response

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The Strategic Response

Table of Contents

Introduction to the Problem3

Systematic Analysis of the Issues and Challenges in the Implementation of Chosen Strategy4

Specific Nursing Strategies for Security Forces Hospital (SFH)6

Issues and Challenges in Developing these Strategies8

Nursing Shortages8

Increased Number of Patients8

Increasing Demand for Nurses9

Explosion of Other Career Opportunities9

Leadership Issues10

Staff Requirements10

Social Taboos and Perception of Nursing10

Evaluation of Response to the Issues and Challenges11

Critical Commentary on Strategy Implementation12

Evaluation of Alternative Strategies and Methods13



The Strategic Response

Introduction to the Problem

This paper aims to develop a systematic and disciplined strategic response to the issue of increased turnover of expatriate nurses in the Security Forces Hospital (SFH) of Saudi Arabia. Nursing shortage and high turnover of nurses have become a pressing problem for SFH in recent times. The Saudi health sector comprises of a large percentage of expatriate nurses who move to Saudi Arabia in search of better work opportunities, monetary stability and professional growth. However, a large number of expatriate nurses have returned to their hometown after leaving the much acclaimed Security Forces Hospitals in Saudi Arabia. A number of reasons have been cited for this issue. These reasons include working conditions, insufficient recognition for their work, increased work load and pressures, lack of grant of promotions, and inflexibility in management. These issues are subjected to amendments in the health care sector of Saudi Arabia, particularly the Security Forces Hospital (SFH) which have been the worst victim of this situation.

This paper takes the discussion further by reviewing the strategic response that SFH has against the issue; analyze the issues and challenges involved in the successful implementation of the strategies and end; a critical commentary for better evaluation of alternative strategies and methods. A decreasing number of expatriate nurses with SFH settings have created many problems in the delivery of health care services including a deteriorated quality of patient care, potential of errors within the deliverance of provisions and an overall lack of motivation among nurses. This establishes the urgency to resolve the issue at the earliest. Our strategic response will encompass all the key points of the given issue and will suggest a systematic response to deal with the problem.

Systematic Analysis of the Issues and Challenges in the Implementation of Chosen Strategy

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is one of the popular destinations for expatriate nurses, the main reason being the attractive financial rewards and enhanced exposure to a diverse range of health care work settings. An agency reports that they send an average of thirty nurses a month to various hospitals within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from all across the world. Saudi Arabia is an Islamic country. Due to the uniqueness of the enforcement of Islamic faith and the Saudi culture, many restrictions are imposed, particularly on women community. The challenges and problems facing the migrant nurses were, therefore, unique compared to elsewhere in the world.

Based on SFH Human Resources Department Statistics, Non-Saudi nurses constitute more than 87% of the total number of nurses in ...
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