The Stereotyped Muslim Women

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The Stereotyped Muslim Women


In this modern world stereotype is the most common phenomena. The term stereotype means to categorize the things by judging at the outlook of any particular thing. A Muslim woman, at present is facing the problem of severe generalizing. They have stereotyped in such a way that they are identified according to their dress which is having a negative image in the western world due to some incidents in Afghanistan and other parts of the world.

The term Stereotypes is referred as the generalizations about a group of people about which assume anything and rate them according to our level of stereotyping. These ratings may be positive or negative such as, when various nationalities are stereotyped. A Muslim woman is who has been ordered in her religion to cover her body is facing negative stereotypes against her. There is a severe generalization which is causing a great misunderstanding among the western world.


Reasons of making stereotyped Muslim women

Unfavorable incidents in Afghanistan

The main reason of making negative stereotypes against Muslim women is the way they have been treated in their Muslim countries. A Muslim woman is still facing a lot of oppression in the Muslim countries which is making doubts in the mind of western people. Incidents which took place in Afghanistan has strangled the Western countries which are engaged in generalizing all the Muslim women as extremist and categorizing all the women who are covering themselves as the one who are supporting terrorism (Asghar Pp. 177-180).


There is a huge misinterpretation in understanding the Islam, therefore a Muslim women is facing severe stereotypes from the western world. There are a lot of evidences which can prove the argument, one of them is that most of the Western world consider veil as the symbol of terrorism. Veil is the dressing of a ...
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