Organization and Management of the Southern Baptist Convention
John Javan Gray
Executive Summary
This study discusses that denominations have been the essential form of American religious organization. The most important of these changes in the past two decades has been the transfer of power and leadership in America's largest Protestant denomination, the Southern Baptist Convention. The recent controversy in the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) is a familiar topic. Research further says that the understanding contemporary Southern Baptist polity requires a basic familiarity with the Convention's roots. One popular explanation for the "unity" is emphasized in the names of current American denominations (e.g., Lutheran Church in America, United Methodist Church, Presbyterian Church USA, United Church of Christ). Southern Baptists, however, have yet to reconcile with Northern Baptists (later to become the American Baptists), and the two remain separated halves of an antebellum whole. The dissertation further discusses that One might be born Southern Baptist in Georgia and might remain Southern Baptist, perhaps within a different congregation, even if one's views or ideas changed.
Table of Content
Executive Summary2
Chapter 1: Introduction5
Specific History and General Theory11
How the Controversy Is Uniquely Southern Baptist12
The Southern Baptist Convention and the Denominational Type15
The SBC and Its Environment: Similarities and Differences21
Scriptural Law and the Rise of Fundamentalism34
Background of the Study41
Purpose and scope of the Study41
Chapter 2: Literature Review43
Organizational Cohesion, Democratic Roots, and the Advance of Bureaucracy47
Settling In: The Limits of Denominational Solidarity51
Diversity, Disagreement, and Organizational Tension, 1942 to the Present59
Unsettling: A Challenge to the Old Establishment64
Organizing a Fundamentalist Coalition67
The Establishment Strikes Back72
The Fundamentalist Paradox80
Programs and Possibilities for the Fundamentalist Coalition89
Demographics of the Fundamentalist Coalition and Their Opponents92
Pastoral Authority and the Priesthood of the Believer Two Traditions of Local Authority96
Implications for the Future of SBC Polity101
The Limits of Membership104
The Bureaucracy and a New Set of Rules107
Membership in the New Polity107
Organizational Limits in the New Polity: Bureaucratic and Democratic110
Chapter 3: Methodology115
What is a Southern Baptist Church?116
Dealing with Geography117
Dealing with Data from the Church Letter119
Chapter 4: Results123
Application: Church Growth Research126
Surveying Southern Baptist Members128
Finding Southern Baptists in National Samples128
Finding Southern Baptists through the Churches131
Improving Response/Dealing with Non-Response134
Postscript: is it that bad?137
Chapter 5: Conclusions and Discussions138
Ambiguity without Consensus: The Development of Procedural Polity168
The New Official Polity170
The Institutionalization of Dissent173
The Other Southern Baptist Democracy177
Chapter 1: Introduction
The main focus of this research is to discuss that denominations have been the essential form of American religious organization. In the past, Southern Baptists were a cultural constant, but in California or Oregon or Michigan, "Southern Baptist" was a conscious identification that one could not take lightly. It added Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, and Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary during this expansion period. The research says that the denomination also named two standing committees the Committee on the Denominational Calendar and the Committee on Public Affairs to conduct Convention business. The CPA, later the Public Affairs Committee represents the denomination on the Baptist Joint Committee on Public Affairs (BJCPA). The BJCPA is an umbrella group for many Baptist organizations (and therefore is not a Southern Baptist ...