The Social Network

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The Social Network


"Social Network" is a story based on a true story that revolves around the creator of Facebook and the formation and expansion of the social network. The film covers some very interesting topics in the world and controversial today in the online world: copyright and speed of information dissemination.

The protagonist, Mark, the creator of Facebook, is sued first by two brothers who accuses him of stealing the idea of the web and then the co-founder of the social network, Eduardo, who misses his project during the course of the film by a vile maneuver. Finally, Mark loses both demands and is forced to pay certain amounts and in addition also to recognize as legitimate Eduardo co-founder of Facebook. Even so, becomes the world's youngest billionaire (The Social Network, 2011).

On the other hand, Mark personally is introverted. He loses his girlfriend on his hobbies rare, rude and disrespectful attitude and isolation in computing.


If we look at the situation, Winklevoss twins was unable to prove that Mark Zuckerberg has stole their idea to invent Facebook. They also make settlement with Facebook by taking US$ 45 million. So, it is not justifaiable at any forum that Mark has stole the idea of Facebook from Winklevoss twins. As law states that copyright infringements occur when idea is reproduced or used without the permission of copyright owner. Mark did not done any of these activities, he just used his brain and invent Facebook, so I think he did not break any law or cheated anybody.

Winklevoss Twins Copyright

Winklevoss twins idea was not proteceted by any copyright, they just staterd to build social networking to connect all college of the country. They did not try to copyright their idea. So that means they don't have any right to sue Facebook for the violation of copyright laws.

Mark Zuckerberg Liability

I don't think he is liable for any copyright infringement. He just created a great worldwide famous social network website “Facebook”. He never try to steal anybody's, as the court also free Facebook from all the obligations. He will be liable, if he stole the creativity or an idea of somebody else. For a moment if we accept that he stole the idea of Winklevoss twins, I think there is no harm in it because Winklevoss twins never try copright there idea. So it not right to say that Zuckerberg violated any copy right laws.


I think any new idea that comes to someone's mind, and wants to translate into any product should be copyrighted. The ownership of idea is must to protect yourself. If someone not do this, then there is no harm if someone else imitate your idea. By law, you caanot sue that other person to copy your idea because you don't have any ownership in the eyes of law. So new ideas should be protected and owned, so that nobody can imitate them. If you don't protect your ideas then you don't have any right to sue anybody for the copying of your idea.

Mark Zuckerberg's Friend

He ...
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