The Slave Trade

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How the slave trade affected and the impact it had on Africa

How the slave trade affected and the impact it had on Africa

Africa is one of the most enriched soils to have existed on the face of the Earth. With the reputation of being the second largest continent in the world (Asia taking the lead in terms of geography), the continent is with an added benefit of the oceanic belts and coastal areas from all four areas of the continent. In addition to this, Africa is comprises of a variety of geographical patterns and structures such as mountains, plateaus, highlands, plains, even famous islands, such as Madagascar.

Africans consider themselves as one of the most superior species and may simply disregard any form of description or explanation that may otherwise not fit their description or point of view regarding them. Paleoanthropologists -people expert at understanding and comprehension of human anatomy and its existence-point out one of the oldest presences of humans stem from the roots of African soils. In the light of scientific methodology and medical evidences, genetic and fossil proofs point that both humans and ape-like species existed and derived from the same breed of an ape-like ancestor some five to ten million years ago (Ayers, 2006, pp.54).

To begin with, ancient African civilizations are critically important since they mark the inception of human existence on planet Earth. In addition to this, fossils, bone fragments extracted and obtained from excavations around Africa have yielded valuable evidentiary support to prove the claim that the lands and plains of Africa mark the inception of all humans and human trees existing today. Although the race of the Egyptians and their impact and influence upon the Western civilizations, it has rather been a bone of contention between the Egyptians and the Africans that who shall succeed in terms of having the crown for human existence.

In alignment with the development of Africa, the West African region contributed significantly towards the growth of the region in more ways than one. Because of its rich soils, filled by endless resources that have been available for use and exploitation for different individuals at that time, people tended to migrate from different, smaller places that were closer to the Western side of Africa, aiding the growth and development of a rich, prosperous network of individual with vastly distinct customs, traditions, histories, cultures and civilizations.

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