The sexual response cycle refers to the sequence of physical and emotional changes that occur when a person starts to get sexually aroused and participates in sexually stimulating activities, including intercourse and masturbation.
The sexual response is not simply a physical response but covers a much more complex experience. It is important to know the emotional and psychological scope intercourse to avoid potential problems that may affect the couple and enjoy one of the most rewarding experiences of human beings: The Sex.
Female Sexual Response
When a woman enters phase of sexual excitement, she felt tingling in clitoris and vagina (diagram) which lubricates. This lengthens and sexual excitement increases. Heart beat and breathing speed up. Rhythmic contractions of the muscles and pleasant perivaginal accompany a deep sense of fragmentation and pleasure (orgasm). Some women can have multiple orgasms. These feelings depend on the brain including the ability to trigger a sexual response is closely linked to emotions and interpersonal relationships. As for the events that occur in the cycle of the female sexual response can include:
1) Excitement Phase:
The excitement phase includes vaginal lubrication by dilation of blood vessels perivaginal and extravasations of fluids through the walls of the vagina. The inner two thirds of the vagina are stretched and distended preparing to receive the penis. The uterus rises, pulling the vagina and making it much more voluminous. Collection of blood, the vaginal walls becomes dark red. The labia minora become engorged and enlarged. Thinning, flattening and retraction of the labia to allow access of the penis. The muscles are tightened. Many women get the rectal sphincter to increase stimulation. Nipple erection occurs due to accumulation of blood serum. Enlargement of the mammary glands also happens.
2) Plateau Phase:
This phase includes the outer third of the vagina by decreasing venous blood congestion its opening forming the "orgasmic platform". The labia minora increase their congestion ranging from red to red color. This is one of the most significant physiological changes. The clitoris retracts, positioning inaccessible under the hood of the clitoris. The sexual flush spreads to the chest, abdomen etc. It is the sexual response of the skin. 3) Orgasmic Phase:
In the orgasmic phase the respiration increases three-fold, the pulse rate, increase twofold blood pressure also rises with the tightening of the muscles of the body. It produces rhythmic contractions of the vagina, which originate in the orgasmic platform, in the outer third of the vagina. This platform contracts rhythmically at intervals of 0.8 seconds and the number is three to fifteen. The uterus contracts while the vaginal contractions. 4) Resolution Phase:
Disappearance of the wave of redness and swelling of the nipples and mammary glands. The body is covered with sweat. The clitoris, which had withdrawn recovered normal assumption. If it has stretched back to its original form. Orgasmic platform disappears expand the vaginal opening. The labia quickly return to its normal size Vasocongestion pelvic blood ...