The Role Of The Seventh Day Adventist African- American Pastor In The Context Of African American Cultural And Historical Influence

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The role of the Seventh day Adventist African- American Pastor in the context of African American cultural and historical Influence


One of the most important factors concerning the history of Seventh-day Adventists is that it had initiated from within the depths of an apocalyptical movement which used to stress and emphasize on the proximity of Second Advent. On the other hand, their Christianity based heritage used to focus much on the straight forward and practical inference and involvement of the Savior. One of the basic elements of focus of the Adventists was that they wanted to constructively direct the energies of their members of the church into education, community services work, publishing, mastering the art of healing, or similar other activities which allows the members to talk and discuss concerning their faith and at the same time, improving and enhancing the level of their faith. Construction and the management of clinics, hospitals, schools and food as well as health factories is just a small portion of the activities of the Seventh day Adventists, which they had undertaken in order to develop and improve the lives of the poor and the needy ones. This paper analyses the role of a few Adventists and the evolution of the churches.

Table of Contents




Clergy Social activism versus non - political action2

Short-term pastorates3

Is Proselytizing Intolerant?3

William Hardy4

Eva Beatrice Dykes5

Ben Carson6

Charles E. Bradford7

Dr. Cleveland8


End Notes12

The role of the Seventh day Adventist African- American Pastor in the context of African American cultural and historical Influence


The seventh day Adventist church was originated in the year 1844 in the town of New Hampshire, Washington. The three most significant and historic facts about the foundation of the Seventh day Adventists is that:

It used to be 'Christian' before being 'Adventist' or more commonly known as the 'Sabbath keeping Adventist'

It celebrates and observes that part of the history that put much emphasis on the 'freedom' and mainly focuses on it.

The Seventh day Adventist Church warmly and openly welcomes all kind of diversity within their members, and, as a matter of fact it grows and develops from that diversity.

The confusions and complications that lies between the 'today' and 'later' had presented a much distinctive power and authority to the approaches and the methods in which the Adventists minister their communities.

This paper discusses briefly the contribution of Black Adventists in various eras that helped in the development of Church. These Black African-American are considered as important personalities to date.


The Black Adventists contributed their lives to the development of their societies. They wanted to come up with something that could bring radical changes in the societies for the blacks. These African-Americans had faced the slavery of the whites for a very long time. However, they were always energetic to bring about changes in their societies. They worked for the development of almost all the areas of education, health, economy and protection. These contributions are notified in history as major contributions from these blacks. A few personalities have been explained as ...