The Role Of Criminal Justice In Preventing Youth Crime

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The role of criminal justice in preventing youth crime


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The current youth justice system fails to provide a framework where the young offenders can get rid of all social evils and be able to lead a righteous life. Hence, while we appreciate the law and order system in U.K for its rehabilitation efforts, we cannot admit with confidence that the youth justice system is free of faults. Custody of children serves neither a purpose of protection nor productivity in any sense. Hence there should be measures that guarantee that young offenders give opportunities to rehabilitate and adhere to a constructive lifestyle once again.

Youth crime is a disturbing symptom and consequence of social breakdown. Young people who suffer from distresses like poverty, unemployment, strained family relationships, educational failures, lack of self-esteem and extreme depression resort to crimes and end up in the youth justice system. Youth crime and violence prevention has been well studied and evaluated for many years in developed regions of the world such as North America and Europe. In other regions, however, the size of the problem of youth violence, its seriousness, as well as the capacity of criminal justice systems or governments to deal with it is very different. What has been taking place in recent years is recognition that a more public health approach to youth violence, and social and economic understanding of its causes, is required to reduce its incidence.

The purpose of this study is to expand the boundaries of the author's knowledge by exploring some relevant facts related to youth crime. Youth is the prime stage of one's life. However, there are certain practices that hinders in the establishment of emotional and spiritual stability in the youth.

In this research the author will examine the role of criminal justice in preventing youth crime; furthermore the author will also evaluate other factors that influence the behaviour of young people to adapt criminal activities.

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This section gives us an overview of the methodology, which describes how the research will be carried out. Methodology refers to how a research should be undertaken. In order to conduct a successful research, it is essential to collect relevant data from various sources and analyze it.

This research is founded on the qualitative study. The research encompasses the publications, articles and similar studies accessible on the internet and uses the case study methodology to determine the role of criminal justice in preventing youth crime.

The search will be based on secondary data accumulation. The data will be pressed out from various journals, articles and books. Secondary research depicts information assembled by literature, broadcast media, publications, and other nonhuman origins. This type of research does not necessitate human ...
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