The word "democracy" has become perhaps the most popular among people and politicians around the world. Today there is no powerful political movement, which would have no claim to the exercise of democracy, did not use the term in its own, routinely far removed from true democracy goals. What is a democracy and what are the reasons for its popularity?
In modern language, the word "democracy" has different meanings. Firstly, the fundamental importance is due to the etymology, the origin of the term. "Democracy" got translated from Greek as "democracy" or, using the transcript of the definition of the American President Lincoln, "government of the people, by the people and for the people."
Democracy is a form of state that, in its modern sense, has established itself in a particularly noteworthy part in recent history. Over more than two millennia, the concept of democracy has experienced a continual evolution, however, undergoing significant changes in the course of history. (Tilly, 2007).
The term democracy form the Greek - ancient Greek - got carved in ancient Athens in the fifth century BC; the Athenian democracy is widely seen as one of the first examples that apply the concepts of contemporary democratic governance. Half or quarter of the population of Athens only males have the right to vote, but this barrier was not a barrier nationally nothing to do with economic status Regardless of the degree of poverty was all the citizens of Athens are free to vote and speak in the Assembly. The citizens of ancient Athens make their decisions directly instead of voting to select their representatives in Congress to take.
This form of democratic governance that existed in ancient Athens called democracy or direct democracy safe. " Over time, change the meaning of "democracy" and elevated her to talk much since the eighteenth century with the emergence of systems of "democracy" of successive in many countries of the world (Malek, 2011).
The first forms of democracy emerged in the republics of ancient India, which existed in the sixth century BC. Among these republics Vachala, which ruled what, is now Bbher in India, which is the first Government of the Republic in human history". After that in the era of Alexander the Great in the fourth century BC, the Greeks wrote about two states got governed what is now Pakistan and Afghanistan, "according to Greek historians who wrote them in a timely manner, the form of government which was democratically being not a royal." The evolution of the values of democracy in the middle Ages (Government Involvement)
The ancient democracies have grown in small towns with local religions or city, state. Thus, the empires and major powers such as the Persian Empire and the Empire Romanian and the Chinese Empire and the Islamic Empire and the Mughal Empire in the Middle Ages and in most of the country, which included the first democracies would have spent on those mini-states of democracy, but the chances of doing ...