The Relationship Between Emotion And Stroke

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The relationship between emotion and stroke

The Relationship between Emotion and Stroke


Stroke can affect people in different ways. It depends on the type of stroke, the area of the mind influenced and the extent of the mind injury. Brain injury from a stroke can affect the senses (such as eyesight, feel, and awareness of body positioning), motor undertaking (movement of arms or legs), talk and the proficiency to understand speech. It can also sway behavioral and considered patterns, memory and strong feelings.

Research question

How Anger and other negative emotions may be triggers for ischemic stroke?

Research objective

The objective of this study is to examine positive and negative emotions, heavy physical exertion, and heavy meals were triggers for stroke.


The research will be based on secondary data collection. The data will be extracted from various journals, articles and books. In secondary research data will be extracted from various journals, books and articles.


The study discovered that persons who had stroke were more expected to have experienced wrath or contradictory emotions in the two hours earlier to the stroke than at the same time the day before the stroke. They were also more expected to have answered rapidly to a startling happening, such as getting out of bed suddenly after hearing a progeny fall down and cry or standing up from a seating rapidly after hearing an unforeseen loud disturbance.

The people were furthermore more expected to have skilled anger, contradictory strong feelings, or sudden alterations in body position in the two hours before the stroke than they were, on average, in the year before the stroke.


Adams HP, Bendixen BH, Kappelle LJ, et al. (January 1993). "Classification of subtype of acute ischemic stroke. Definitions for use in a multicenter clinical trial. TOAST. Trial of Org 10172 in Acute ...
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