The Problem We Face Due To Pollution

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The Problem We Face Due To Pollution

According to Mr. Annan's report, weather change-induced catastrophes now account for 315,000 killings each year and $125 billion in damages, figures set to increase to 500,000 killings and $340 billion in damages by 2030. The figures are hotly challenged by University of Colorado disaster-trends professional Roger Pielke Jr., who calls them a “poster progeny for how to lie with statistics.” But not ever brain about that. The more intriguing kiss-off took location in New Delhi late last month, when Indian Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh notified travelling to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that there was no way India would signal on to any international design to hat carbon emissions.

“There is easily no case for the force that we, who have amidst the smallest emissions per capita, face to really decrease emissions,” Mr. Ramesh notified Mrs. Clinton. “And as if this force was not sufficient, we furthermore face the risk of carbon tariffs on our trade items to nations for example yours.” The Chinese—the world's biggest emitter of CO2—have notified the Obama management vitally the identical thing.

The research is based on the topic: Pollution is the contamination of the earth's environment with materials that interfere with human health, the quality of life, and natural functioning of living things and their surroundings. Although some environmental pollution is a result of natural causes, most of it is caused by human activities; therefore I believe that humans have created a problem which should be taken care of before other things. Destruction of the ozone layer is predicted to cause increases in skin cancer and cataracts, damage to certain crops and to plankton and the marine food web, and an increase in carbon dioxide due to the decrease in plants and plankton. rials, such as sewage, that rapidly decompose by natural processes. That is why I believe that pollution is definitely a very serious problem today. For example, the use of aerosols, which contain chemicals called CFCs, can damage the ozone layer. Either they don't think that it is a serious enough problem to worry about, or they believe that it will not have any effects on them in their lifetime. Once contamination occurs, it is difficult or impossible to remove these pollutants from the environment. Pollution has a dramatic effect on natural resources. I totally disagree with anyone who says that pollution is not a problem worth dealing with. ...
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