The Power Of Nicotine Addiction Over Self Preservation

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The power of Nicotine Addiction over self preservation

The Power of Nicotine Addiction over Self-Preservation


The purpose of the paper is to understand the concepts relating to power of addiction over self-preservation and the application of these ideas to learn a human behavior for a specific study.

Information objectives

Smoking is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. In snuff burning generates a huge amount of active substances with adverse health effects. However, only nicotine is the agent responsible for the abuse and dependence of cigarette are well known to the addictive properties of this sustancia. The selection of chapters has a certain unity as physiologic, pathologic and psychological themes run through the book and supply the logical connections between the various authors. This work is intended as a contribution to the reversal of the current tobacco epidemic and thereby to preventing many of the deaths attributable to tobacco predicted in this century.

Project Scope

This project emphasizes on the power of Nictine addiction over self preservation. The smokers are a population heterogenea. Probably only between 25 and 35% of people who use snuff on a regular meets criteria for dependence is more likely nicotina. Dependency in those subjects who consumed a large number cigarette per day, about 25, however, it is known that daily consumption of five cigarettes can cause a state of dependencia. Similarly, the greater the possibility of this diagnosis in people who have failed more than once in the intention to stop the consumption of snuff, in those who continue to smoke despite the obvious harmful effects of smoking and those with psychiatric comorbidity, ie, referring important symptoms that suggest a mental disorder, particularly depressive or anxiety disorders. 


Addiction is continued involvement with a substance or activity despite ongoing negative consequences. The concept of addiction whether to alcohol, cigarettes, heroin, or sexual behaviour is widely misunderstood. Although there is room for debate about the levels of addiction caused by different substances, and perhaps about the rights of people to use addictive substances, there is no debate about what constitutes addiction. Addictive disease is defined by compulsion, loss of control, and continued, repeated use despite adverse consequences. Even though a person knows what will happen, he or she will use the addictive substance again. Thus, addiction is a disease characterized by repetitive and destructive use of one or more substances, and stems from a biological vulnerability exposed or induced by environmental factors such as taking Nicotine.

In recognizing that substance use and abuse embraces a range of needs, different populations are associated with particular levels and classifications of intervention. In this paper, addiction is used interchangeably with physiological addiction. However, physiological dependence, the adaptive state that occurs with regular addictive behavior and results in withdrawal syndrome, is only one indicator of addiction. Psychological dynamics play an important role, which explains why behaviors not related to the use of chemicals gambling, for example may also be addictive. In fact, psychological and physiological dependence are so intertwined that it is not really possible to separate the ...
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