The Picture Of Dorian Gray

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The Picture of Dorian Gray


The primary focus of this research paper is to determine and analyze how Dorian was influenced by Lord Henry and how Dorian influenced Lord Henry. Oscar Wilde included topics relating to the art, beauty, youth, morality, and hedonism, etc. (McKenna, Pp. 2-7) the novel is fantastic, but also philosophical, and highlights the ambiguity of the dandy Irish personality."The picture of Dorian Gray” is the only published novel by Oscar Wilde . First published in July 1890 in the "Monthly Magazine Lippincott”. The novel “the picture of Dorian gray” tells a story of a young and energetic men Dorian gray, the subject of basil's painting, basil is highly impressed by durians beauty and started to become infatuated with him, he believed that his beauty was a prime factor for a new mode in his art.

Dorian meets Lord Henry with basil's reference and become enchanted by his view about the world. Espousing a new hedonism, Lord Henry had a view that the only things which are worth pursuing in life are the fulfillment of senses and beauty. Recognizing that one day his beauty will fade away, Dorian expresses a desire to sell his soul in order to ensure to the portrait Basil has painted would age instead of him. Dorian's wish is satisfied, plunging him into corrupt acts. (McKenna, Pp. 2-7) The picture of Dorian serves as a reminder of the effects on his soul.


Oscar Wilde's the Picture of Dorian Gray is a haunting story; once read it is difficult to forget. At its heart is the image of an idealized portrait which reveals the inner corruption of its subject. (Wilde, Pp. 11-18)Dorian Gray, The beautiful and tragic figure who is the novel's central character, other characters of the novel is as under

Dorian Gray - a young man, endowed with incredible beauty. Falling under the influence of the ideas of new hedonism, promoted by Lord Henry, and devotes his life to hedonism and sin.

Basil Hallward - an artist, he painted the portrait of Dorian Gray. From the other characters it features extreme devotion to Dorian Gray in which he sees the ideal of beauty and man.

Lord Henry - an aristocrat, a preacher of the new ideas of hedonism, "Prince of paradox”. His paradoxical, contradictory thinking permeated criticism on all Victorian English society.

Sybil Wayne - actress, one of the most amazing images of the novel.

James Wayne - brother of Sybil, a sailor.

The picture tracks each sin and underlines each evil act committed by Dorian through it's slow but relentless transformation into an object of unspeakable hideousness. In this sense the portrait of Dorian is an enigmatic mirror reflecting his true spiritual condition. The novel starts with the entry of both basil and Lord Henry in to the studio. Lord Henry, after meeting with Dorian notices and realizes the fact that Dorian is a very handsome and good looking individual and he posses all the candor of youth as well as the pure passion of the ...
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