Jumping (also called as leaping), is the movement or locomotion in which a subject such as animal, human or object such as robot or a mechanical system propels in the air. Jumping, as in sports, is different from other athletic activities such as galloping and running. In jumping the whole of the objects/subjects body is completely airborne for some time (Giancoli 2000 278). A jump shot may be either unmoving (from a still position) upwards or going when inducting a jump. In a jump that is stationary, almost each of the activity involved to speed up the body by launch is performed in one movement (Knight et al 2009 36). In jumps that follow running (moving jumps), the jumper brings in extra vertical velocity at launch as he or she conserves as much horizontal impulse as desired. Unlike stationary jumps, in which the jumper's kinetic energy at launch is solely due to the jump movement, moving jumps have a higher energy that results from the inclusion of the horizontal velocity preceding the jump. Consequently, jumpers are able to jump greater distances when starting from a run (Krey and Owen 2007 121).
The physics of jumping is easily broken into three steps. In step I an organism, with no initial upward velocity, accelerates upward. In step 2 the organism is in the air with an upward velocity and a downward acceleration due to gravity. The force of gravity slows the upward velocity, eventually reaching zero at the peak of the jump In step 3 the organism falls hack down, with an increasing downward velocity as a result of the acceleration due to gravity (Bai et al 2007 103).
The motion of any object can he broken down into separate motions in each of three dimensions: up and down, forward and backward, left and right. It's much simpler to deal with motion in a single direction at a time (ignoring the others) and mathematically the results are absolutely correct.
The ability of jumping is better evaluated by a vertical standing jump. For s simple experiment one stands fronting a rampart or a wall with feet flat on the floor and arms covered upwards, makes a check on the wall at the top and then jumps and at the peak. A second check is drawn then. The distance between these marks (before and earlier) will measure the vertical distance of the jump. The vertical distance could be as high as 0.6 meters or 2 feet (Giancoli 2000 275). When a person attempts a vertical or a standing jump, the force of the jumping is applicable as the person's feet are contacted with the floor or the ground. As the feet reaches the grounds, the speed in upward direction instantly diminishes at the regular rate of g— or at 10m/. When a jumper is airborne, no measure of arms or legs lifting or other somatic movements can modify the time a person hanged during the jump or while he was airborne (Bai ...