The Parliamentary Sovereignty In The United Kingdom

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The Parliamentary Sovereignty in the United Kingdom

The Parliamentary Sovereignty in the United Kingdom


The structure of the United Kingdom Constitution is based on set of principle and laws under which the country is ruled and governed. The United Kingdom does not have single constitutional document like many other nations. The country has an uncodified constitution and not a written one. The overall constitutional body of British rule is embodied in written treaties, court judgments and statutes. These separate documents and uncodified parts set the parliament and the sovereignty of the parliament. This assignment will develop the understanding that what is understood of the term "Parliamentary sovereignty".

The Role and Influence of the Various Institutions of the State

The Role of the Government

The main role of the government can be summarized as running the country. The government is responsible for the development and implementation of policies and drafting laws. Government is also called the Executive.

The Role of the Parliament

The highest legislative authority is held by the parliament in the United Kingdom. The parliament is responsible for examining and monitoring the works of the government, approving and debating new laws. The parliament is also called the Legislature. UK parliament forms the underlying part of British Politics and plays following roles:

Challenging and examining the efforts of the government (scrutiny)

Passing and debating all laws (legislation)

Facilitating the government in the collection of taxes

Government Forming

The government if formed the party which wins most seats in elections. The party is led by the party leader, who would become the Prime Minister. It is the duty of Prime Minister to appoint the cabinet, ministers and develop and run public policies and services.

The Role MPs and Ministers

Lords and MPs in parliament are chosen as government ministers. A MP might be a member from the party which is forming the government, but this does not mean that they are active in government. Ministers are a requirement to respond in written or orally to questions from Lords and ministers.

The Role of an MP

MPs are supposed to work in parliament as well as, for the political party and constituency which elected them. Some MPs became the government ministers from the ruling party with certain duties in areas, such as defense of health. During the meeting of parliament, MPs work in the House of Commons. Their work includes voting and debating on new laws and raising issues. Many MPs also become members of committees and analyze different issues such as human rights and government policy.

MPs also hold surgeries in their offices, within their constituency, where locals visit them to discuss their common concerns. MPs also attend businesses, schools and functions to meet ordinary folks. This provides MPs with more contexts into issues and insights which they can discuss with Westminster.

Government Scrutiny

Scrutinizing the government is the major role of the government on behaves of the general public through asking government ministers questions and investigative select committees. Approval for proposals on government spending and taxes is also given by the House of ...
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