The Pantheon In Rome

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The Pantheon in Rome

The Pantheon in Rome

Often the grandest of chronicled structures can be contrasted and mismatched in some aspects. The Parthenon in Athens and The Pantheon in Rome may be contrasted, but mostly compare in periods of their design. Consequentially, components utilised for the building and adornment of each construction differ. The purposes of the buildings are essentially very comparable. Finally, the position of each structure is relation to how they contrast and contrast. The Parthenon in Greece and The Pantheon in Italy can be compared and contrasted in terms of design, materials used, function, and location [1].  The Parthenon was constructed by the architects Itkinos and Kallikrates, as a temple usually of the Doric order. However, it furthermore incorporates Ionic components, such as the Ionic opisthinaos, a back room of the temple, and the sculptural enrichment which was more recognizable in the Ionic order. The demensions are a base of 30.9m by 69.5m. The Parthenon featured an octastyle, or 8 column arrangement at both narrow ends, with 17 columns along the wider sides. The architects utilised the widespread ratio of 9:4 for the side columns and for the spaces between the columns, although wandered from firm geometric values for conceive reasons like the columns' minor arching up toward the cella, and a bowing in the floor, lifting the centre about four inches higher than either end. This made the Parthenon emerge directly from a distance. The octastyle façade, capped with a triglyph, is comparable to the entrance conceive of the Pantheon built by Hadrian, who was said to be a big follower of Greek architecture. The entry differs in that the pantheon's 8 pillars were of the Corinthian method, and were not so decoratively embellished with sculpture. Though the façade gives the effect of a rectangular cella, the conceive of the major hall of the Pantheon is drastically distinct than that of the Parthenon[1].  

The Parthenon was built by the architects Itkinos and Kallikrates, as a temple generally of the Doric order. However, it also incorporates Ionic components, such as the Ionic opisthinaos, a rear room of the temple, and the sculptural enrichment which was more recognizable in the Ionic order. The demensions are a base of 30.9m by 69.5m. The Parthenon featured an octastyle, or 8 column arrangement at both narrow ends, with 17 columns along the wider sides. The architects used the widespread ratio of 9:4 for the edge pillars and for the spaces between the pillars, although wandered from strict geometric values for design reasons like the pillars' minor curving up toward the cella, and a bowing in the floor, raising the centre about four inches higher than either end. This made the Parthenon emerge directly from a distance. The octastyle façade, capped with a triglyph, is comparable to the entry conceive of the Pantheon built by Hadrian, who was said to be a large-scale follower of Greek architecture. The entry differs in that the pantheon's 8 pillars were of the Corinthian style, and were not ...
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