The Palestinian Intifadas

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The Palestinian Intifadas

The Palestinian Intifadas


The aim of this essay is to discuss the first and second Palestinian intifadas. The uprising engulfed the Palestinian territories since the last days of September 2000, immediately imposed on the world his name. The expression does not mean a reading grid of the event. In Palestinian, Intifada means uprising. The death of four workers, whose truck was hit by an Israeli army truck, detonated a massive insurrectional movement whose centre was the Gaza Strip and spread throughout the territory invaded by Israel. It began a period of strengthening the resilience that has not ceased. Israel had to go accepting the PLO as the legitimate representative of the Palestinian people and the negotiation of the two states to perpetuate their weakened invasive presence in the Middle East.

The Intifada is the only possible response to voice, but determined to sacrifice the Palestinian popular rejection order imposed within ten years of a negotiating process that has mocked the national aspirations of the Palestinian people and has violated all their legitimate rights.

Israel combines in repressing the intifada open war against Palestinian civilians and the assassination of its leaders. Unlike the 1987 uprising, the intifada that began in late September 2000 came in the Occupied Territories (OPT) as a spontaneous popular fact in mass demonstrations in major Palestinian cities under two slogans converging against Israeli occupation and against the Oslo Accords. The relevance of the unanimous claim that the Palestinian people are making a break with the framework of the Peace Agreements is crucial. This consideration places the Palestinian leadership in a weaker position because the Israeli and U.S. pressure to resume negotiations in recent months and force him to stop the Palestinian uprising found the refusal of the Palestinian population and increased resistance (What started “the first intifada” in 1987, 2012).

Discussion and Analysis

The impact that the Palestinian uprising is having since its inception in the Arab world highlights the dimension as a symbol and paradigm which occupies the Palestinian issue in the regional context of new regional order imposed by the U.S. after the Gulf War. If the false resolution that the Palestinian-Israeli negotiating process has sought to impose on the Palestinians found the Palestinian resistance inside the occupied territories, the mobilization of mass support for the Intifada in all Arab capitals reflect Arab popular rejection to a project fraudulent global, which has sought to legitimize the process of American intervention in the Arab world to lay the foundations for a neo-colonial domination updated.

The First Intifada (1987-1993) began on 9 December 1987. The Intifada is characterized by a campaign of civil disobedience and protests against Israeli rule. This idea of using civil disobedience existed long before the intifada but the PLO leaders have derided and considered the people who supported these ideas as naive individuals ignoring the Palestinian reality. When the intifada broke out in the Gaza Strip, where lived Ahmed Yassin, his disciples asked him to take part in the movement by adopting a militant ...