The National Curriculum

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National Curriculum

National Curriculum requirements for the Primary Non-Core Foundation


The National Curriculum is really being changed by Sir Ron Dearing, head one-by-one of the School Curriculum and Assessment Authority. Draft proposals for the new curriculum were issued in May and the new National Curriculum is foreseen to be accessible in January 1995. I have, therefore, expressed out the equal procedure with the initial proposals, in alignment to be organised for the last kind and to answer to the consideration exercise.


National Curriculum obligations for the Primary Non-Core Foundation

While there are a twosome of affirmative expansion, the general procedure of slimming down the curriculum has administered to a considerable decline in the possibilities for wellbeing discovering as part of the statutory programmes of study. While there may be more time for wellbeing discovering over and overhead these programmes of study, there are less explicit attachments to support the teaching of wellbeing discovering in the National Curriculum. Overall, the attachments between wellbeing discovering and the compulsory curriculum have been slashing by 55 per cent. I accept as factual this decline is disproportionate and undermines the implication of wellbeing education.

Half of the authors and publications in the assortment of publications at Key Stages 1 and 2 are proposed by the Health Education Authority's Primary School Project “The Best of Health” run by the University of Southampton. Plays selected in Key Stages 3 and 4 should find out topics and notions that are applicable and accessible, and should extend pupils' emotional and message understanding. This elongation more over anxieties to verse but not, manifestly, to novels.

At Key Stage 1, conversing has higher major anxiety than remarks, but compares this with my comments in the part on English below. The objective on “Life and Living Processes” in Key Stages 1 and 2 is now on humans other than mammals, and “Health and Safety” has its own sub-heading in all key stages.

Key Stages 2, 3 and 4 have cooperative sub-headings, including one for health. Nutrition has more minutia in Key Stages 2 and 3, “Health and Safety” in Key Stages 3 and 4 and “Breathing and Reproduction” in Key Stage 3.

Working in assemblies is cited in Key Stage 2 and “Food and Food Technology” make welcome supplements to Key Stages 3 and 4. In Key Stage 2, programs packages which require deduction making to find out facets of authentic life are a befitting example.


The general happenings of study boost individual undertaking and healthy modes of life, the development of affirmative mind-set, and the implementation of defended practices. Unfortunately, the supplement of these affirmations has administered to the omission of some applicable minutia in other sections. Rescue and resuscitation are embraced in bathing in Key Stages 3 and 4.

Omissions which will disquiet wellbeing educators are summarized in the components below.

The happenings of study for Key Stage 1, “Speaking and Listening”, appears to aim on conversing at the total cost of hearing, and on the purposeful facets of dialect, other than the attachment of facts and ...
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