The Military “don't Ask Don't Tell Policy”

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The Military “Don't Ask Don't Tell Policy”

We believe U.S. military's Don't Ask Don't Tell policy should be abolished. We claim that homosexuals are not a threat to the military, the policy poses many challenges for American taxpayers, and that policy is not administered properly, and never was. All people are different, and this difference must be respected as diversity lies at the heart of democracy.

Our society is constantly faced with and consistently overcome the differences that may pose a threat to human solidarity. Cohesion is an important term that is often used in this discussion. Webster's Dictionary defines cohesion as the act or state of sticking together, close alliance (Herszenhorn, p. 6). Supporters of U.S. military's Don't Ask Don't Tell policy often argue that homosexuals in the military are threat to the cohesion of the block and morality and they take the military as much different society than what the average citizen lives in. This means that heterosexual member will be having difficulty in serving with a homosexual. Despite the growing acceptance of homosexuals in work, school, and in general everyday life, the military still remain rigid as rock at the issue, and seem to be unable to cope up with social changes taking place around the world.

However, if you ask any professor of political science, they will all tell you that Dr. Roger Payne told me that the military must represent the ideals of our culture. Since the invention of the military, it was common belief that unit cohesion is a necessity for the success of any military force. We claim that homosexual soldiers, who did not try to hide their sexual orientation, are in fact not a threat to unit cohesion. More than a hundred years ago, African-Americans began to serve their country in the military, despite the opposite conviction on the part of other white soldiers that they were inferior, and unable to successfully perform the same tasks as white soldiers could (Shane, p. 3).

This order was a direct mandate from the president of the United States, as well as from the Chief of the Armed Services United States. Ordinance declared the policy of President that there should be equality of treatment and opportunity for all persons in the armed forces, regardless of race, color, religion or national origin. This policy should be put into effect as soon as possible, with due regard to the ...
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