The notion that what is good for the first world as it is for the third, not always the underlying facts. In Africa, newly de-colonized country clubs, Do Not appropriate boundaries to the Indigenous Nationalities, Collectivist Societies with no tradition of individual initiative, and Lack of Infrastructure, with the hangover of colonialism hateful, with Poverty and illiteracy rates run riot, the concept of democracy Something is as strange as a cold snap in the tropics (Idahosa, 2004, 123). In the following part I am going to discuss about the status and nature of democracy in Africa and what are the major issues present in front of the governments. Mainly Africa has problems like poverty, corruption, political instability etc.
The Boundaries of the "Transitions to Democracy" In Africa
The consequences of these institutional changes have not always been a deepening of democratic modes of government in the south of Sahara. Often formulas are reproduced previous government, in which the opposition, now legalized in the new political parties has been persecuted, imprisoned and tortured. To observers like Member calls transition to democracy in Africa are not just a way to reconstitute the power and one of the many changes that are taking place on the continent, which seems to address several directions at once.
The election process has been used by many of the old autocrats in power, or the victors of civil conflict as a way to re-legitimize his government, or victory, and continue to receive international aid resources. Elections have become a matter of "present" old international dictators like Arup Moa of Kenya or Obiang Nguema of Equatorial Guinea. Even when there has been change of government, as in Zambia's Frederick Chiluba, have adopted authoritarian mechanisms of domination. And there have been cases of former dictators who have returned to power after winning the second election held in the country, as Mathieu Kérékou in Benin. For its part, the Nigerian giant has lived for the last decade, its worst and most repressive Sani Abacha military dictatorship, following the disruption of an electoral process that was shown clean and that could only be resumed in 1999(Medium, 2000, 69).
Some of the contradictions of these processes are due to the dynamics of extroversion that dominates, since many institutional changes seek to respond more to external pressures than to the interior. The established political action from the outside may not only undermine the very meaning of democracy, but often suffer from deep inconsistencies. First, because the political actors most concerned about the international repercussions of their decisions, they tend to turn democracy into a mere spectacle without content. Second, because the international interests will never solely aimed at increasing the participation of Africans there are always a variety of foreign policy objectives of donors. Despite the claim of complementarily, the effects of economic conditionality are inconsistent with the objectives of political ...